“They’re part of the big lie, the big lie,” Joe Biden said of Sens. Cruz and Hawley

Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are facing fierce backlash in the aftermath of the violent riots that erupted at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. The violence lead to five deaths and widespread damage in the Capitol.

The Houston Chronicle, one of Texas’s most prominent newspapers, is echoing the sentiments of many Democrats and calling for the resignation of Cruz, who lead 11 Republicans in challenging the certification of the 2020 presidential election results on Jan. 6.

“Cruz knew exactly what he was doing, what he was risking, and who he was inciting as he stood on the Senate floor Wednesday and passionately fed the farce of election fraud even as a seething crowd of believers was being whipped up by President Donald Trump a short distance away,” the editorial read.

“Cruz, it should also be noted, knew exactly whose presidency he was defending. That of a man he called in 2016 a ‘narcissist,’ a ‘pathological liar.’”

The editorial scolded Senator Cruz for spinning a “web of deception” and for sending a fundraising message sent to supporters — which he said was automated — urging them to stand with him on Wednesday.

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The Texas Tribune reported that President-elect Joe Biden refused to say that Cruz and Hawley should resign, but instead suggested that Texas voters remove them in 2024.

“I think they should be just flat beaten the next time they run,” Biden said during a news conference. “I think the American public has a real good clear look at who they are. They’re part of the big lie, the big lie.”

He continued to say that Cruz and Hawley are just as responsible as President Donald Trump for the messaging.

“It’s not about whether or not they get impeached. It’s about whether or not they continue to hold power because of the disgust the American people have for their actions. There are decent people out there who actually believe these lies,” Biden said.

Cruz issued tweets on Wednesday condemning the violence, urging the pro-Trump supports to stop, saying, “Anyone engaged in violence — especially against law enforcement — should be fully prosecuted.”

Read More: During the Capitol riots, Trump made calls to halt election proceedings

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has a history of conflict with Cruz, retweeted his tweet saying Biden calling political opponents “literal Nazis does nothing to bring us together or promote healing,” called for his resignation.

“Your continual excusal and denial of Wednesday’s Neo-Nazi presence is abhorrent and dangerous,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “The most healing and unifying thing you can do is take responsibility for your actions and resign.”

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