Despite years of separation, love triangles, and outbursts that have left many asking, “What’s really going on,” Jada Pinkett Smith shared with fans that she and her husband, Will Smith, are “figuring things out,” but she knows that she is in it for the long haul.

The New York Times best-selling author, who recently released her memoir “Worthy,” visited the “Drew Barrymore Show” and spoke about her marriage to one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

“I feel like maybe your and his shadow separated in a way in this book, whether they stay together forever or not. It sounds like you’re staying together forever,” Barrymore said.

“We’re staying together forever,” Pinkett Smith tells the talk show host.

During the promotion of the book, the “Set It Off” star revealed to the public that she and Smith have been separated since 2016.

However, in more recent interviews, she has said that the two were “still figuring things out.”

“We’ve been doing some really heavy-duty work together,” she said in an interview with People. “We just got a deep love for each other and we are going to figure out what that looks like for us.”

As the two actresses sat on the couch on their set, Barrymore complimented the way that Pinkett Smith embraced the concept of love in the book and listened as Pinkett Smith explained how love and acceptance go hand in hand.

“I think that one of those stages in relationships is when you really learn how to accept yourself fully, you really learn how to accept your partner fully as well,” the mother of two said, adding, “And you learn how to accept everyone else, even when you’re dealing with their shadow.”

As she spoke about loving Smith’s shadow and light, it seemed that Barrymore connected more. However, commenters on YouTube were split in their opinions of Jada and her marriage to Will.

Some people in the YouTube comments questioned how Barrymore could see value in having the actress on.

“Why would you have that narcissistic psychopath on your show,” one person asked, adding, “It’s distasteful.”

Someone else said that they were “surprised” that she “gave Jada a platform,” especially since the “E.T.” star seems to advocate for “common healthy partnerships.”

“I generally don’t care at all what people do in their relationships, especially celebrities,” the person continued in part. “However one thing that I know is, if these situations were reversed, Will would be witch lynched.”

On the opposite end, a YouTube user said the interview was the best she has had since she has been promoting the book.

“Jada did good going on Drew’s show but I think the other ones were a mistake. With Hoda there was so much confusion after the interview Jada had to go back to clear it all up,” the person wrote.

Some people in the comments saw the chemistry between Barrymore and Pinkett Smith, all the ways their lives overlapped, and the lessons her story presents.

One person said it was a “beautiful conversation,” and another said, “We love honesty and compassion between women.” One comment simply called them “two queens.”