I’ve been keeping a deep dark secret from my husband for about a year. I have a boyfriend that I have introduced to my husband as my cousin. I made the introduction in this manner so that I can have access to my boyfriend without arousing suspicion from my husband. I simply explained to my husband that my cousin/boyfriend and I are super tight and have been out of each other’s lives due to extenuating circumstances beyond our control.

Black couple having a deep conversation. (Photo: Pexels.com)

My husband is none the wiser and I’m even able to take trips with my boyfriend/cousin under the premise that we are trying to reestablish our close-knit family relationship. My husband supports me 100 percent, which is why I didn’t hesitate for even a moment when my boyfriend needed a place to live temporarily.  He’s moving from Savannah and we live in Atlanta where his new job is going to be. I immediately offered my home before even discussing the matter with my husband.

Related: My Girlfriend Has a Tattoo of Her Ex’s Name, and I Hate It. Should I Demand She Cover It Up?

When I did finally go to my husband, he responded just as I thought he would, with open arms and a bright smile. There is a significant age difference between me and my husband, almost 30 years (I’m 31, he’s 58), which shows up in different ways in the relationship. Mainly in the bedroom, where he is unable to keep up with me. It’s no fault of his own but I do have needs so I went and found myself a younger man to satisfy me in that way.

However, to throw a monkey wrench in this already complicated situation, my sister-in-law came over to our home for a cookout and spent lots of time talking to my cousin/boyfriend. Now, she’s digging my cousin/boyfriend and keeps pushing me to hook them up.

Read the full story on Atlanta Black Star.

My husband is also urging me to do so and to play matchmaker. But I cannot oblige her for obvious and not so obvious reasons. Should I come clean with the fact that my cousin is actually my boyfriend, or lie to my sister-in-law about my cousin/boyfriend to throw her off of his path?                                       

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