Will Smith‘s latest workout on Tuesday, June 8, came to an abrupt and hysterical end after the actor failed to do one thing: lift an oversized tire off the ground. Smith shared his failed attempt at raising the tire in a very animated 30-second clip on Instagram, while referencing the “Wheels on the Bus” nursery rhyme in the caption. Smith used his rendition of the song to sum up the nature of the video. He wrote, “ The wheels on the bus stay down down down .”

In the recording, Smith’s trainer Aaron Jon Ferguson advised the 52-year-old, who is seen approaching the tire, to get into the “good position.”

Will Smith’s tire workout leaves fans in tears after the actor’s attempt to lift the oversized tire off the ground drastically fails. Photo:@willsmith/Instagram

Ferguson said as the father of three interrupted him, “Make sure you get into a good position.” Smith seemingly dismissing Ferguson’s instructions, responded with, “It’s just a tire, it’s just a tire. Okay.” The clip continues with Smith’s facial expressions, hand gestures, captions and audio sounds stealing the show while showcasing his failed progression. Following the actor’s initial tire comment, the captions “I am legend” — in reference to his hit 2007 film by the same name —  “I got this,” and “mam plz” flashed across the screen before he attempted to lift the tire. 

As Smith got into squatting position and tried to pick up the tire, the words “Oh boy,” “help,” “it’s not that heavy,” “can I tap out,” popped up one by one on the clip, in addition to flatulent sound effects. As his trainer tried assisting the struggling Smith, the caption “this guy am I right” appeared as the “Independence Day” star declined the help. 

The final words to flash across Smith’s zoomed in and multi-colored face as he tried his last efforts to pick up the oversized object were “I did it, I think.” After failing to achieve that workout, Smith jokingly explained how the tire was “bolted down” as his other trainer Ollie Turton lifts the tire with ease. Following that scene, the camera panned and zoomed in on Smith’s face, who is seen smiling as he walks away with the caption, “internally crying” on his forehead. 

As millions of Smith’s followers and fans viewed the recording, many of them solely focused on the additional visual and sound effects added to the video. A few referenced them as they shared their reactions. 

““Internally crying”.”

“I’m mad at the fart .”

“ the sounds!!!!”

“Not the “ma’am plz”.”

An Instagram user cracked up over Smith’s “bolted down” comment when he failed to achieve the tire workout. That person wrote, “It’s bolted down .”

Smith’s vigorous training sessions stem from the “Big Willie” challenge that initially began on May 2, after the actor candidly discussed how he was in the “worst shape” of his life. Days following that post, Smith announced to his fans in a lengthy caption that he would be documenting his weight-loss journey. He said, “This is the body that carried me through an entire pandemic and countless days grazing thru the pantry. I love this body, but I wanna FEEL better. No more midnight muffins…this is it! Imma get in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE!!!!! Teaming up with @YouTube to get my health & wellness back on track. Hope it works!”

Since then, Smith’s “Big Willie” challenge has inspired many celebrities like Anthony Anderson, comedian Chris SpencerFlex Alexander and Marlon Wayans to get into the best shape of their lives by coming up with a 12-week workout plan that fits them.