Mendeecees Harris has not had an easy life. During the Monday, March 8, episode of “Family Reunion: Love and Hip Hop Edition,” the reality star gave viewers a rare insight into some of the battles he struggled with as a kid in New York. 

As viewers of the show may know, cast mates from across cities, including New York, Miami, and Atlanta, gathered for an extra special edition of the popular VH1 reality series in hopes to repair broken relationships and heal from past hurt. In the latest episode, Scrappy put together a Bible study, and, surprisingly, Mendeecees took the opportunity to tell his story. 

Mendeecees Harris
Mendeecees Harris. (Photo: @mendeecees/Instagram)

After recently coming home after spending four years behind bars for drug trafficking, the 42-year-old revealed that during his lifetime, he had been shot twice, stabbed 13 times and that his son was even targeted for kidnapping as a result of his drug dealings. During his confessional, the entertainment manager spoke frankly, stating that he was “groomed to be a drug dealer” before he was even taught to read and write. Unfortunately, like many, he grew up without a father figure. “The only role models I ever had was people in the streets,” Mendeecees explained. “A lot of time, I couldn’t figure out, ‘why me?’ 

However, before he could finish saying there were nights where he struggled to find his next meal, Mendeecees was cut off by his mother Judy, who appeared to be taken back by her son’s allegations. When asked if he should continue, Judy responded, “I want you to say whatever God wants you to say.” The reality star expressed that his mother wasn’t always around, which took a toll on him and his siblings, and there were times they’d have to ask their neighbors for food. 

In an attempt to seemingly gain control of the narrative, Judy then got up and stood next to her son, interrupting him with questions every time he unveiled a new piece of information that would paint her in a bad light. Judy didn’t see her son being vulnerable in the moment but instead saw her “son talking about my trials and my tribulations.”

In her confessional, Mendeecees’ wife, Yandy Smith, expressed her frustrations with how Judy handled the situation. “Why can’t he live in his moment, in his truth, and talk about how God brought him through,” she said. “That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Mendeecees has put his mother in front of everything his whole life. She should know he would never try to shame her or purposely sit here and hurt her.”

Mendeecees explained to his mother that his intent was never to embarrass her but instead tell his story, which in turn was her story as well. Back at the room, Judy confronted her son, telling him, “You also have to think of how far I came in life and what I’m involved in right now.”

Judy revealed that she was a young mother and acknowledged that, perhaps, she did stay out longer than she should have as someone with children. She admitted that her feelings were hurt by Mendeecees’ comments. Still, when her son tried to express that he was not ashamed of her but, in fact, proud that she overcame her demons, she wouldn’t hear him out. The pair were unable to finish filming the scene as Judy was overcome with emotion and left the room.

Check out the full clip below.