‘I Wanted to Push Him Out of That Chair’: Pastor Keion Henderson Confesses He Wanted to Assault Shaquille O’Neal’s Son Over His Bold Request to Mom Shaunie
One of the most controversial aspects of being a stepparent is the challenge of disciplining one’s spouse’s children. Keion Henderson, who married Shaunie Henderson, ex-wife of Shaquille O’Neal in 2022, has faced this dilemma after she brought five children into the marriage, four of whom were over 18 at the time, with the youngest, Me’arah, being 16.
Navigating co-parenting with Shaunie’s ex-husband, NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, Keion has had to define his role as a parent, often biting his tongue and holding his composure, especially with the sons.
On the Nov. 27 episode of “The GrOOwZone Podcast,” co-hosted by both Keion and Shaunie, the couple delved into the challenges of parenting adult children.

Shaunie reflected on her own parenting style and confessed that she struggled with the instinct to “fix everything” for her children.
“I had to get to a point where it’s like, you have to stop fixing everything for them. Because here I am, now you know, with a 22-year-old,” she said. “They will still call and be like, ‘Mom, can you set up my dentist appointment?’ because I was that parent that just did everything, so I’m not equipping them with the tools they need to just become independent adults.”
Keion, who is the leader of The Lighthouse Church and Ministries in Houston, shared his frustration during a recent family dinner when Shaunie’s son asked her to order his food.
“We sit at the table, and Shakir is 21 … 20… he’s 20… this man looks across the table at you and says, ‘Mama, can you order my food?’ and I’m thinking in my head, I wish she would. You bet not order this grown man’s food, and you didn’t.”
Shaqir was adamant that someone was going to do it for him and looked to his younger sister Me’arah to order the meal.
The preacher shared in the 39-minute video, “Do you know what he did? He looked at his younger sister, who’s 17, and made her order it.”
Keion added, “I wanted to push him out of that chair and step on his ankle. Why are we asking our mother, at 20… with no shame, to order our food?”
This exchange underscores how Keion and Shaunie balance their roles with humor, patience, and understanding in their blended family dynamic.
He has talked about how he achieved this blended family dynamic on Jamal Bryant’s “Let’s Talk About It” podcast.
He said, “Man, it’s so fulfilling for me.”
Adding, “Despite what any blogger or media person will say, me and Shaquille O’Neal have never had a issue whatsoever. Every encounter with that man has been a positive and has been about his children.
He went on to say that he knows his “place.”
“Those are his kids,” he said firmly. “So he has first right of refusal. Those are his children. I never walked into his children’s life trying to be their father. What I said to each one of them individually is what do you need me to be. They don’t need a father. They have that right so a support system.”
He said instead, as a stepfather, he like a friend that they can “bounce stuff off of.”
“There’s no competition in the space ’cause he would win every time. He was there from biology to present day,” Keion said.
The pastor then talked about walking where Me’arah during her senior day and even when she announced what college she would attend, though he supported Shaunie in putting together a celebration, he and the former All-Star never butted heads, despite what the media suggested.
“He came even said to me, hey, when you want me to speak at his daughter’s thing, so as long as we’re adults, we let the kids online,” he shared.
This was not the only time that Keion had spoken about this to the public. Once, he even had to talk to his congregation about blended families.
He explained what he said, noting, “The point of the lesson is, is that when you bring a family together, and you blend a family, always remember the seeds survive the blend. What that child came from is not going to be destroyed because you blended the family together. If they came from trauma, that’s in the blend.”
He further went on that he has “amazing” relationships with his wife’s children, claiming that as a unit he never “had a problem, a side word, an issue, ‘that ain’t my daddy.’ We haven’t had one of those moments in the history of our relationship.”
Perhaps the reason for that is that whether the preacher likes how Shaunie is parenting or not, he stays in his “lane” and knows his “place.”