Tracy Morgan is opening up about his daughter helped him to come out of a coma seven years ago.

The comedian shared about his experience during an appearance on the “TODAY Show.” Morgan was in New Jersey traveling on the New Jersey turnpike when a Walmart truck hit his limousine bus on June 7, 2014. Sixty-two-year-old comedian James McNair, who was inside the vehicle with Morgan, was killed in the crash.

Tracy Morgan (L) and his daughter Maven (R) relaxing at home in 2020 (Photo: @tracymorgan/ Instagram)

Morgan spent two weeks in a coma and five months in a wheelchair. He also went through extensive physical therapy.

Morgan credited his then 10-month-old daughter, Maven, for helping him fight to come out of the coma. The star of the hit series “The Last O.G.” was moved to tears discussing his baby girl and noted how close he is with Maven.

“That’s my stinky-mama,” he said. “She’s very close to me. We’re very close. That’s my baby. And she’s my greatest co-star ever.”

Morgan went on to say that Maven was just a baby when he was hit by the truck, and his desire to be there for her helped him fight to come back. During his physical therapy, little Maven was right by her father’s side. Now eight years old, Maven and her dad are two peas in a pod.

“People don’t just come out of comas,” said Morgan. “I had to fight. I knew I had to be here for her. I wanted to see my daughter. I’ve always wanted a daughter and have a female version of me. And I’m looking at it every day as she grows under my gaze. And I love her.”

Morgan’s character on “The Last O.G.” is also going through physical therapy after suffering a traumatic brain injury, and the actor recalled reliving the experience on the set.

“It was surreal,” said Morgan. “It’s like looking at yourself down in the bed. And you’re sayin’ ‘Lord have mercy, that was me.’ I was this close to it. I was knocking on the door.”

The actor couldn’t remember a lot about being in the hospital, but he remembered his rehabbing experience very well. He credited his physical therapist, Mary, for helping him to walk again.

The comedian revealed that he had run off his first physical therapist, but Mary was older and had more experience. She was tough on Morgan and didn’t put up with his attitude.

“And she wasn’t having it. She used profanity with me and everything,” he laughed. “The first thing she said to me was ‘I don’t want to see you limping no more.’…Thank you, Mary. Thank you for getting me back on my feet.”

“The Last O.G.” airs on Tuesdays on TBS.