How To Get The Most Cash Back Rewards This Holiday Without A Credit Card
Source: NoSystem images / Getty
The holiday shopping season is here and Black Friday is knocking on the door. This is generally the time of year we spend a lot of money in a short period of time. Since you are going to be shopping, it is a great time to maximize with a rewards program.
There are several types of rewards programs that vary from gift cards to travel to cash back. One thing still stands true with any kind of reward, “Cash is King”. But, the majority of rewards programs are tied to credit cards. It is definitely a missed opportunity for shoppers who are spending a lot of money during the Holidays using cash or some other non-rewards product.
Reasons for not having a Credit Card
There are several reasons shoppers may not use a credit card for holiday shopping, but simply not having a credit card is near the top of the list. Choosing not to have a credit card and credit worthiness are two of the biggest contributing factors. So, how can Holiday shoppers cash in on rewards without having a credit card?
Earning Rewards without a credit card If credit cards aren’t your thing, but earning rewards is, you are in luck! Products, such as the ONE VIP Visa Debit Card, offer a lucrative cash back rewards program without the hassle and fees of a credit card. In fact, there are no hidden fees with the ONE VIP Card, no overdraft fees, and there’s no cost to get it. The ONE VIP Card is a digital banking product that is available to anyone over the age of 18 with a USA address and social security number. There is no credit check needed to get this card and you can begin using it as soon as money is loaded to the card.
ONE VIP Rewards Program at a Glance
ONE VIP Card members earn 1 point for every $2 spent on purchases and double points for shopping Black Owned Business Partners. These points are unlimited and can be redeemed for cash back.
Additionally, ONE VIP members can opt to pay points forward by donating them to Urban One Community Works (U1CW). U1CW will use the donations to support selected charities supporting people of color such as The Innocence Project for criminal justice reform, the National Black Justice Coalition serving LGBTQ/SGL communities, Howard University, as well as the Tom Joyner Foundation serving the HBCU students nationwide.
Bottom Line
You’re likely spending a lot of money over the next two months – take advantage of a rewards program and earn some of that money back!
Need To Cash A Check? Here Are All The Benefits Of ONE VIP, Urban One’s New Debit Card
URBAN ONE’s ONE VIP: Everything To Know About New Debit Card, Loyalty Program And Mobile App
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