‘Honor Me with a Check’: Tisha Campbell Explains What She Did When She Found Out a Store Was Selling Clothes with Her Face On Them Without Her Permission
Tisha Campbell wants a clothing manufacturer to run her her coins after the company used her face to sell its items.
The “Martin” star shared the news, which she dubbed “dumb ass shit,” on TikTok then reposted the video to her Instagram page on Saturday, Oct. 9. While she started off the clip laughing and informing her fans that what she was about to tell them was “really, really serious.”
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – NOVEMBER 29: In this image released on November 29th, Tisha Campbell performs during the 2020 Soul Train Awards presented by BET. (Photo by Leon Bennett/STA 2020/Getty Images for BET)
She started by saying, “So, my friend is in the mall and he goes into this store that has all these shirts, all this gear, shorts, everything — with my face plastered all over these shirts, right? I talked to the manager. It’s not the manager’s fault. It’s not the store’s fault. It’s not the people that work there because they were really lovely and I actually had a conversation with them. It was really cool.”
Continuing on, now seemingly speaking directly to the company, she said, “But the manufacturers who are making these shirts, I think it was like, Head Gear Classics or something like that, my brother, I’m all for the come up, I truly, truly am. But, you just can’t put somebody’s face on a shirt without their permission and then pocket everything.”
Campbell said the manufacturer told the store in the mall that it was using her face on the clothing to “honor” her, but apparently that is not how Campbell wants to be celebrated. Instead, she said, “Honor me with a check.”
The 53-year-old said Head Gear Classics is in deeper trouble than just with her. The actress put in the caption that “will also have to contend with photographers who took the photos and owns them as well as the companies that owns the Martin show and House Party proper…you poor thing.”
Head Gear Classics is a company that sells hats, jerseys, hoodies, shorts and more, and a lot of the items have the title of a classic show or movie written on them. Some of the shows used as graphics for their clothing are “In Living Color,” “Family Matters” and “Saved By The Bell.” Some of the company’s “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” shirts have Will Smith’s face on them.