Ciara’s latest Instagram Story shared on Feb. 22 with her 7-month-old son Win Harrison Wilson — who was born last July — pulled millions of her fans’ heartstrings after the singer shared a clip of the pair starting off their day harmonizing. Both mother and son are lying in bed and sharing an immense amount of laughs throughout the recording. 

The “Goodies” singer, who uploaded the captionless post while displaying her natural beauty, is seen trying to get her infant’s attention as he plays with her gold necklace. She said as Win slightly acknowledges her, “Win … Win. Hello. Hi, baby.”

As the clip transitions, Ciara playfully tries to nibble on Win’s hands while he begins to express his emotions through sound. The “Level Up ” vocalist then sings a note, which the 7-month-old mimics to the best of his ability. Ciara’s video wrapped up with the doting mother planting a kiss on Win’s forehead and telling him, “I love you.”

Ciara and her son Win Harrison Wilson. (Photo: @ciara/Instagram)

Many fans suggested the recording showcased Win’s singing abilities, while others gushed over how much he’s grown.

“Sounds like he’s singing 😍😍.”

“He is growing up so fast ❤❤❤❤.”

“He trying to talk already 🥰.”

“He is singing like his mama!”

❤Oh Win’s singing already, sooo sweet🙌.”

In 2019 during a red carpet interview with “Access Hollywood,” Ciara opened up about the importance of supporting her older children Future Zahir and Sienna Princess’ dreams, no matter what they may be. She said as she talked about her kids’ extracurricular activities, which included ballet and baseball. 

“I’m so proud of them. You know, my babies are very expressive at a young age, and I celebrate that. You know, it was a blessing for me to be able to pursue my dreams with … you know, that’s why I’m here today.”

She added, “So I’m always gonna be that mom that was support and lift them up and let them be who they are, celebrate their personalities and enjoy it, ’cause it’s so entertaining. They’re a little like two walking television screens. Like, it’s nonstop entertainment. I mean it’s just so good right now, so I’m really proud of that. I celebrate, you know, them being who they are, you know, and I’m gonna always encourage that part of them.”