Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch / Getty

Almost a year shy of violently wielding a gun at Black Lives Matter protesters during the height of the movement in St. Louis, Missouri, Mark McCloksey, a Republican provocateur, has announced his plans to run for Senate.

The St. Louis lawyer and his wife Patricia, who willfully participated, face felony gun charges in last summer’s incident.

McCloskey made his intentions known during a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night. He will face former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens and incumbent Sen. Roy Blunt in a race to see who will win the seat in 2022.

“God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. It really did wake me up,” he told Carlson.

McCloskey continues to wage more violence in his Senate run announcement, posting an outlandish video on Twitter where he falsely described the protesters as “an angry mob,”

His utterings are more of the same nonsense he and his wife disseminated while they were invited to speak as guests at the 2020 Republican National Convention, angering Black communities and their allies after a summer of marching and organizing around the repeated deaths of Black people at the hands of police.

“As I campaigned for [Donald Trump], and we’ve continued to do rallies and events supporting our constitutional rights, what I’ve learned is that the people are sick and tired of cancel culture – and the poison of critical race theory and the big lie of systemic racism,” he continued during his appearance on Fox News.

“If we don’t stand up now and take this country back, it’s going away. We used to talk about the erosion of our civil liberties… [S]ince [the Biden] administration took over there has been the wholesale slaughter of our civil liberties and institution of what can’t be called anything but socialism.”

The 2022 Senate race will present a series of challenges across the country with liberal and conservative candidates launching campaigns in order to oust the other. In Florida, the Senate race will be one to watch as Rep. Val Demings is expected to run for Senate, directly challenging GOP Senator Marco Rubio.


Black St. Louis Prosecutor Petitions To Take Back McCloskey Case After Being Disqualified.

Grand Jury Indicts St. Louis Couple Who Brandished Weapons At Peaceful Protesters For Sport

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