Elon Musk Defends ‘Dilbert’ Creator’s Racism As More Newspapers Dump Comic Strip
Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of “Dilbert,” poses for a portrait in his home office with his new book “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life” on January 6, 2014, in Pleasanton, California. | Source: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / Getty
Let’s talk about the audacity of whiteness (or “caucasity,” if you will). White people who have spent their entire lives oblivious to systemic racism and how it benefits them at the expense of Black people and people of color are suddenly hyper-aware of racial animosity in America and across the globe now that social media has shown them what we all think of them. The conversations about white folks and racism that Black folks have been having for generations used to be relegated to the confines of our homes and communities, but now it’s all out in the open and suddenly conservative white people feel something needs to be done about all the racial division in the world. (And by “something,” I mean, restrict Black people from voting, denounce Black Lives Matter and start an anti-critical race theory propaganda campaign with an agenda of keeping Black history and social studies as whitewashed as possible so white people can continue being protected from their own fragility.)
Anyway, Elon Musk thinks the media is racist against white people. Let me put that a different way: The apartheid beneficiary whose automobile company stays drowning in racial discrimination lawsuits like the Republican Party stays drowning in white supremacist adoration; the guy who bought Twitter and started reinstating neo-Nazi accounts despite the fact that racial slurs immediately skyrocketed on the platform after the purchase thinks the media is racist against white people.
Last week, we reported that Scott Adams, author of the “Dilbert” comic strip, got all in his Caucasian feelings over a survey that showed only 53 percent of Black people agree with the statement: “It’s OK to be white.”
Now, anyone who possesses even a modicum of critical thinking capacity knows the Black people who disagree with the saying aren’t advocating for the non-existence of white people, they’re saying that, in a country that is more than 60 percent white and where white people dominate every important entity in Western society—from the corporate world to all aspects of the justice system—and are the only overwhelmingly represented racial group in popular culture, the sentence “It’s OK to be white” just sounds like more white supremacy, not a simple affirmation.
But according to Adams, the survey indicated that Black people are collectively a “hate group” that he wants “nothing to do with” nor should any other white people, who he suggested should “get the hell away from Black people” and stop trying to “help” us. (Yes, the white savior complex is strong in this one.)
In fact, various media outlets dropped Adams’ “Dilbert” comic after his remarks, which he defended saying it was just trying to make the point that “everyone should be treated as an individual,” after declaring that all Black people should be shunned based on a single survey in which less than half of Black people said the thing that offends him.
“But you should also avoid any group that doesn’t respect you, even if there are people within the group who are fine,” Adams said. (Basically, the “reverse racism” version of the point James Baldwin was making in his 1979 interview with Dick Cavett. Only, Baldwin was talking about actual racism that actually hurt Black people.)
Apparently, Musk—the guy who laid off nearly the entire staff at Ghana’s Twitter office and didn’t offer his ex-workers any severance—agreed with Adams and didn’t understand what the problem was with his remarks because white people (and Asians, I guess) are the biggest victims of racism in the media.
From the Washington Post:
For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now they’re racist against whites & Asians.
Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America.
Maybe they can try not being racist.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 26, 2023
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 26, 2023
Mind you, nothing Adams said was about racism in the media. Adams’ issue is with Black people. Adams decided to denounce the entire Black race over a single survey in which more than half of us agreed that it’s OK to be white. Maybe he was already racist, and if Musk agreed that he said nothing wrong—regardless of him deleting the tweet—maybe that indicates that old Elon is just as racist. Either way, both Adams and Musk are lamenting anti-white resentment while demonstrating exactly why it exists.
Maybe they should try being less white.
‘Dilbert’ Comic Creator Calls Black People A ‘Hate Group,’ Urges Segregation So Whites Can ‘Escape’
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