Checkmate: Far-Right Conservatives Use Kyrie Irving Like A Pawn In A Game Of Anti-Vaxxer Chess
Source: Steven Ryan / Getty
Kyrie Irving seems to trend on Twitter every day. But not for his insane layup package, or smooth silky 3-point shot.
He isn’t vaccinated, and the choice has left his teammates without a point guard. His decision to not get the vaccine interloped with New York City’s vaccine requirements means Irving might never take the court as a Net this season.
Now, everyone except for Kyrie Irving has something to say about Kyrie Irving – especially the right-wing anti-vaxxers.
In a way, he has become their savior. A countless number of anti-vaxxers and right-wing talking heads have tweeted their support for Kyrie, and claiming they stand behind his decision to fight against the system and not get vaccinated.
I LOVE THIS PROTEST!!! LET KYRIE PLAY!! Elements of MAGA and BLM coming together and AGREEING that Vaccine mandates have gone TOO FAR. LET KYRIE IRVING PLAY!!
— Greg Kelly–LET’S GO BRANDON! (@gregkellyusa) October 25, 2021
But Kyrie has never asked to be their hero and in an ugly game of anti-vax chess, Kyrie is being played as the pawn.
Anti-vax protesters recently stormed the Barclays Center to protest vaccine mandates, screaming “Let Kyrie Play!”
Kyrie never asked any of them to protest for him, please let that sink in.
NOW – Protesters against vaccine mandates breaking through barricades to Barclay’s Center in NYC, chanting “Let Kyrie play”
— (@disclosetv) October 24, 2021
Protesters broke down barriers in front of the arena and almost got inside until security was able to fend them off. Candace Owens immediately retweeted the video.
Following the game, Floyd Mayweather posted a video in support of Kyrie’s decision. In it, he claimed that America once gave us a choice about the vaccine and now they are stripping that choice away.
In less than 24 hours, Candace Owens retweeted the video, but added her own dangerous and hateful spin on it, comparing the vaccinated with slaves to the government.
“A slave mind follows the crowd”..
Now all of the media dogs are after @FloydMayweather because he has, like me and @KyrieIrving, taken a firm stand against vaccine mandates.
Dear Government: we are not your slaves anymore.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) October 26, 2021
Candace effortlessly masks her dangerous and hateful speech with intelligent sounding thought. Kyrie didn’t ask for her support, but he got it anyway, because it fits her narrative. If her and our beloved Kyrie Irving are on the same side of history, then I must be wrong.
But where was all this energy for Kyrie Irving when he was speaking LOUDLY about police brutality? Kyrie has been on the record supporting the families of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and demanding change when it comes to police reform.
Candace and her right-wing sycophants only see Kyrie as a means to continue to stoke fears that the government is out to get you.
Irving is a basketball player who has told you how he feels. He also told you he isn’t trying to be a hero for any cause.
But conservatives could care less about what Kyrie thinks. They don’t care about that black man unless he says something they can use to fit their narrative. If they can’t use you, shut up and dribble.
‘January 6th Energy’: Anti-Vax Protest For Kyrie Irving To Play Compared To Capitol Insurrection
Anti-Vax GOP Candidate Ignorantly Compares Kyrie Irving’s Vaccine Hesitancy To Magic Johnson’s HIV
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