If anyone thought becoming a mother would prompt Candace Owens to tone down her reckless rhetoric on social media, think again.

The controversial conservative of convenience with a history of making provocative statements especially when it comes to Black people has now turned her clear anger toward New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the progressive Congresswoman who made comments this week about her experience being in the Capitol during the attempted coup as well as being a survivor of sexual assault.

Owens dived headfirst into the conversation Wednesday with false conspiracy theories and even suggested that AOC lied not only about being in the Capitol during the insurrection but also about being sexually assaulted. It was a pitiful new low, even for Owens, who has offered sympathy for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, holds transphobic views, promoted “mob rule,” blames unarmed Black men for being killed by the police, supports anti-Black racists and is credited with inspiring deadly terrorism like the New Zealand mosque shooter in 2019. The receipts can all be found right here.

After Owens repeatedly claimed without proof that AOC “staged a photo shoot” at the U.S. southern border where migrant children separated from their families were being held, she went on to say that “Faking her own attempted murder [at the Capitol] was the next logical step.”

The callous indifference to the children detained at the border and the attempted coup that resulted in the loss of multiple lives and a mini-coronavirus outbreak in Congress was astonishing, even for someone of Owens’ moral ineptitude and depravity. These are the very kinds of lies that were told to spark the attempted coup in the first place.

But among the chorus of people calling Owens out for her lies was Walter Shaub, the former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics during parts of both the Obama and Trump administrations. Shaub said he was there at the border the same day AOC was and provided photo proof that the pictures were not staged.

Shaub then dropped the mic on Owens: “You should retract the lie you’re telling about AOC—and, if you’re capable of shame, you should be ashamed for mocking the outrage over family separations and child torture.”

Seemingly energized by the attention to her fake news, Owens doubled-down on her flurry of unsolicited conspiracy theories by suggesting AOC is lying about being the victim of sexual assault.

How many men has @AOC falsely accused of heinous acts against her?” Owens tweeted before continuing with an apparent self-projection rife with irony: “She seems disturbed.”

During an Instagram Live session on Monday while recalling the attempted coup, AOC gave an emotional testimony about how the experience evoked memories of when she was sexually assaulted.

“And I haven’t told many people that in my life. But when we go through trauma, trauma compounds on each other,” AOC told an audience of more than 150,000 viewers. She said she thought she was going to die during the insurrection.

That prompted her critics to claim AOC was not in the actual Capitol building during the seige by far-right extremists who were united by the false belief and widely debunked conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was the victim of election fraud.

Owens picked up that conspiracy theory-laden baton Wednesday and ran with it on Twitter, making light of AOC and anyone else who experienced mental and physical trauma that fateful day at the Capitol.

In the end, AOC accurately summarized what was happening and underscored the harm that Owens’ lies can do.

This is America.


The Self-Hating Candace Owens Becomes Mother To A Black Baby Boy

Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money

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