Candace Owens Co-Signs The Taliban’s ‘Truth’ Criticizing Freedom Of Speech In The U.S.
Source: Jason Davis / Getty
Candace Owens has single-handedly redefined what it means to be guilty by association.
Previously damned for her undying devotion to all-things anti-Black and Donald Trump, Owens — who once notably had sympathetic words about Nazi leader Adolf Hitler — outdid herself on Tuesday by co-signing the Taliban criticizing freedom of speech in the U.S., of all things.
In doing so, Owens offered similar criticism of the “Big Tech” platforms that her existence relies upon so dearly, exposing the hypocrisy behind both her blind allegiance to the Republican Party and her agreeing with the Taliban.
The unfortunate situation unfolded after a spokesperson for the Taliban answered a question about the restrictions of freedom of speech in Afghanistan during a press conference that was live-streamed online. The Taliban spokesperson responded by blaming the U.S. and one major social media company, in particular.
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“This question should be asked to those people who are claiming to be promoters of freedom of speech who do not allow publication of information,” the spokesperson said. “I can ask [the] Facebook company.”
When Owens saw that snippet of the press conference, she readily agreed with the Taliban spokesperson and let her millions of social media followers know so.
“We’ve reached next level when the taliban is hitting at the totalitarianism of the U.S.,” Owens wrote in the first hint that she might be agreeing with a group long seen as enemies of America.
But then she doubled down: “And yes— they are telling the truth here,” Owens said about the Taliban’s stance on freedom of speech before going off on a whole other self-serving tangent replete with trite Republican talking points: “Big Tech in collusion with the Democrats have destroyed the elements that gave America the moral high ground in discussions about freedom worldwide.”
We’ve reached next level when the taliban is hitting at the totalitarianism of the U.S.
And yes— they are telling the truth here. Big Tech in collusion with the Democrats have destroyed the elements that gave America the moral high ground in discussions about freedom worldwide.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) August 17, 2021
To recap, Owens thought it would be prudent to agree with a person representing the same group that just last month posted a video to social media via Big Tech to show them executing 22 Afghan commandos who were trying to surrender. And she did it all by exercising the same freedom of speech that she suggested was being suppressed by “the totalitarianism of the U.S.” fueled by “Big Tech” being “in collusion with Democrats.”
(Editor’s note: Owens could have won the gold medal in the long jump last month at the Tokyo Olympics, what with that incredible leap she just made.)
Put differently, Owens readily agreed with a spokesperson for the same group that refused to hand over Osama bin Laden to the U.S., prompting the American military invasion of Afghanistan about one month after the Sept. 11 terror attacks launched by al Qaeda, which was led by bin Laden.
Put yet another way, Owens is agreeing with people who would never even allow her to speak, let alone in public, which is, of course, her bread and butter.
That is who Owens is co-signing, all so she can try — and fail — to prove a larger point that she is against the same Big Tech that has helped fuel her infamy.
Candace Owens’ loves Big Tech’s products
Make no mistake, Big Tech is the reason why so many of us know who Owens is in the first place.
If it wasn’t for her nonstop social media posting of anti-Black, pro-conservative conspiracy theories and propaganda that white supremacists swoon over, it’s doubtful many of us would be able to distinguish her from any other Karen, skin color be damned.
That means that Owens and her online platform on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube — the latter two being owned by the former — are a package deal. Her relevance would be reduced exponentially without the crutch of social media, which is run and operated by the same “Big Tech” for which she and the Taliban have such shared contempt.
Not to mention, Owens might not have seen the Taliban press conference were it not for her reviled Big Tech streaming it live online and allowing people to share snippets on social media.
It was at once further evidence that Owens will go to any lengths to prove her anti-Democrat platform, even if it means agreeing with a murderous militant group of Islamic extremists that has made no secret of its hatred of the United States.
Owens wants you to believe she is a patriot
Agreeing with the Taliban isn’t the first time Owen’s so-called patriotism has been called into question.
It wasn’t that long ago when the suspected con artist flexed her grifting muscles to endorse — or co-sign — a so-called smartphone that she said would not only reinforce one’s patriotism but also would be able to compete with Apple as part of her quest to take down Big Tech.
The so-called Freedom Phone, a device that Owens has disingenuously billed as the next coming in cellphones, is actually an iPhone knockoff, according to reports. But the keyword there is “billed,” as the Freedom Phone carries a price tag of $500 and was described by the Daily Beast as “a phone preloaded with apps like Parler and Rumble that appears to be a vastly more expensive version of a phone made in China.” A news article bringing attention to Owens’ latest scam said the Freedom Phone was being pushed by “MAGA Influencers.”
Shrewd social media sleuths noticed Owens was tweeting about the Freedom Phone from an iPhone, suggesting that she did not even use a Freedom Phone to promote the Freedom Phone but still urged her millions of followers to use a product that she herself does not. Notably, Owens tweeted while using an iPhone that she “partnered with a SOLUTION against Apple” — the iPhone’s maker and a major player in Big Tech — for the Freedom Phone.
Candace Owens promotes “the new Freedom Phone” as “a SOLUTION against Apple and Google,” but forgets she’s still posting from **checks notes** “Twitter for iPhone.”
— Resist Programming (@RzstProgramming) July 15, 2021
This is all part of Republicans’ fake outrage over Afghanistan
Owens advertising how much she and the Taliban are on the same page is just the latest example of Republicans doing the most to demonstrate what appears to be disingenuous anger about chaos in Afghanistan. They have used it to renew empty calls for Biden’s resignation or removal — their true agenda, not Afghanistan.
Republicans must have forgotten about the admitted role that Trump played in not only negotiating a U.S. military drawdown with the Taliban but also how Trump’s Secretary of Strate Mike Pompeo met personally with Taliban leaders to solidify their deal less than a year ago.
U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo meets with the Taliban political affairs chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha, Qatar, on Sept. 12, 2020. | Source: Anadolu Agency / Getty
For perspective’s sake, the U.S. has long ascribed to the mantra that America does not negotiate with terrorists, something that Republicans love to remind citizens — until they do it, that is.
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