Candace Owens Acolyte Tells Charlie Kirk ‘Black America’ Prefers ‘Gangbanging’ Over Supporting Trump
Source: Joe Raedle / Getty
When white conservatives and Black conservatives sit down together, you can be sure of two things: the white guy will be racist and the Black guy will serve as a tap-dancing legitimizer for that racism.
Recently, professional mediocre white man Charlie Kirk, founder of white nationalist propaganda mill Turning Point USA, invited Black conservative Pierre Wilson on his show so Wilson could wine about his mother not speaking to him because he’s a fierce Trump supporter of the MAGA Sambo Sector Assembly. (That’s not a real MAGA department, but it should be. They can even use the appropriate acronym “MASSA.”)
At one point during the interview, Kirk asked Wilson the most absurdly racist question a Caucasian can ask a random Black person: Do Black people love gang-banging more than Donald Trump?
Pierre Wilson said his mom called him “the embarrassment to the family” for supporting Trump.” Charlie Kirk then asked if Black people think Trump support is worse than gang banging.
Wilson is director of Blexit, TPUSA’s Black outreach arm.
— PatriotTakes (@patriottakes) January 23, 2024
Kirk asked Wilson how his family treats him as if he already knew the answer and was salivating with anticipation of his Black guest giving him the greenlight to go full anti-Black.
Wilson responded by saying his mother “didn’t take it so well” when she found out her son is a right-winger, and he said her “final straw” came when she found he was a supporter of Donald Trump. (Whaaah? A Black mother being ashamed of her Black son for supporting an orangey-white supremacist who tried to disenfranchise Black and brown voters after leading the Caucasian charge against critical race theory, DEI and Black history? You don’t say.)
Wison continued by boohooing about how he and his mother haven’t spoken “in two years” and how she considers him an “embarrassment to the family.”
“Mind you, I’m not out here doing drugs, I’m not out here gang-banging…I’m not doing anything crazy with my life, I’m just simply have conservative beliefs and I’m supporting a conservative candidate,” Wilson said.
And it was that statement that provided Kirk with the perfect opportunity to ask a loaded question about Black America to someone who has already demonstrated that he doesn’t speak for Black America.
“In Black America, would the embracing of Trump be looked at more negatively than gang-banging?” Kirk asked.
Do you see what happened here? Wilson went out of his way to associate Black people with gang activity despite it having zero to do with what they were talking about, and Kirk characteristically picked up the white nationalist baton and ran with it. First, there’s the racist implication that Black people as a whole accept gang-banging at all—outside of the relatively few who actually gang-bang, of course. Then there’s the fact that Kirk is asking this one Black man—who, again, has already indicated that he has a fragile connection with the Black community—to speak as an authority on “Black America” and whether or not we fit the racist stereotypes white people created for us.
Mind you, Kirk was one of the many white conservative voices perpetuating the racist lie that Black support for Trump increased due to Trump’s mugshot being released—because Black people absolutely love mugshots, gang-banging and all other manner of thuggery. (Even though it’s white conservatives who celebrate violent white thugs like Kyle Rittenhouse.)
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— aliciasadowski (@aliciasadowski6) August 25, 2023
So, we’re gangsters when we support Trump and we’re gangsters when we don’t. White conservatives appear to be addicted to talking about Black people like we’re not in the room—and it’s even sweeter to them when they have a Black conservative present who will let them do it in their face.
Of course, Wilson, being the Blacky-lackey that he is, answered Kirk’s ridiculous question by awkwardly saying, “One would think, I guess.” (What does that even mean? Why would “one” think that?)
Anyway, if you’re wondering who Pierre Wilson even is, don’t feel bad—I also had to look him up. (It doesn’t really matter. His job was to be Black and anti-Black at the same time and he clearly understood that assignment.)
It turns out Wilson is the BLEXIT Director at Turning Point USA, which basically means he’s a Candace Owens acolyte who wants Black people to stop voting Democrat and start voting for the party that regularly opposes police reform, voting rights, pro-Black activism, diversity, equity, inclusion and non-whitewashed Black studies.
The sunken place is truly strong with this one.
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