The petition calls for his removal from office and disqualify him ‘from holding any office of honor, trust or profit’ within Kentucky.

Three grand jurors from the Breonna Taylor case have filed an impeachment petition against Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron

Cameron has been catching heat since he misrepresented the findings of the grand jury in the Taylor case late last year. theGRIO previously reported, only former Louisville officer, Det. Brett Hankison was charged related to Taylor’s death, and that wanton endangerment charge was for shooting into a neighbor’s home.

Read More: Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron appears to dodge Breonna Taylor questions during podcast

The lack of indictments for the other two officers involved in the killing, Det. Miles Cosgrove and Sgt. John Mattingly, resulted in continued protests in Kentucky and around the country, and months of Cameron being publicly slammed. 

The petition accuses Cameron of breaching public trust and failing to comply with his duties surrounding the Taylor case, the Louisville Courier Journal reports.

“The Grand Jurors did not choose this battle,” stated Kevin Glogower, the attorney for the three grand jurors. “This battle chose them. These are randomly selected citizens who were compelled to sit on a grand jury and were terribly misused by the most powerful law enforcement official in Kentucky. It is truly a testament to the Kentucky Constitution that they are able to be here today and to expose injustice and demand public accountability. I am honored and humbled to serve them.”

In the petition, filed with the state House of Representatives on Friday, the petitioners note that at Cameron’s Sept. 23 press conference announcing the grand jury decision, he “said his office presented ‘all of the information’ and walked the Grand Jury through ‘every homicide offense’ before the Grand Jury came to its conclusion.” But according to those grand jurors, per the Courier Journal, “neither Cameron nor anyone from his office mentioned any homicide offense to the grand jury. Not only were no homicide offenses presented as alleged, no charges of any kind were presented to the Grand Jury other than the three wanton endangerment charges against Detective Hankinson.”

Read More: Daniel Cameron files motion to keep Breonna Taylor grand jury files secret

The petition goes on to allege that the Black Republican “deceived the American people and the citizens of this Commonwealth with regard to his office’s handling and involvement in the Breonna Taylor investigation and the resulting legal actions. Attorney General Cameron misled the public during his hour long national press conference in stating that his office’s investigation found … and the grand jury agreed that [police] were justified in the return of deadly fire after having been fired upon…”

The petition calls for Cameron’s removal from office and disqualify him “from holding any office of honor, trust or profit” within the state because he “lied to the Grand Jury by excluding information and charges available to them, then lied to the public about what he had told the Grand Jury.”

The petitioners also believe he deserves impeachment for “incitement and support of insurrection and violence,” related to the deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

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