Source: CHANDAN KHANNA / Getty

Believe it not, Donald Trump gained a portion of his votes from Black people during the 2020 election. But what was it about his fear-mongering, disrespectful banter and obnoxious behavior that enticed these Blacks for Trump to cast their vote in his favor?

A National Exit Poll conducted by the New York Times found that 18% of the Black men who did vote for Trump said that they appreciated his toughness and his ability to appear strong under pressure. Rappers like Kanye West and 50 Cent supported and coddled the former president for his semblance of power and bravado. Remember back in 2018, when Kanye took to Twitter and said that both he and Trump shared “dragon energy,” even going so far as to call the turbulent former leader his “brother”?

Take a look at any Trump rally over the last four years and especially in the past few weeks and you’ll find a few Black folks peppered throughout the audience’s sea of mostly white followers. 45’s melanated believers come from all different kinds of backgrounds from politicians to conservative news reporters to average everyday joes like Maurice Woodside, who is also known as “Michael the Black Man,” according to the Washington Post.

For some reason, the ‘Blacks for Trump’ guys always get the seats right behind the podium.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 9, 2021

Since 2016, the hardcore Trump supporter has been seen posted behind the former reality TV star’s shoulder at a number of rallies holding a bold sign that reads, “BLACKS FOR TRUMP.” At times Michael can be seen wearing a shirt proclaiming the conviction that “TRUMP & Republicans Are Not Racist.” His Trump gear often includes a nod to his wild conspiracy website called He has reportedly called former president Obama “The Beast” and he’s even referred to  Hillary Clinton as a Ku Klux Klan member. Michael began to grow popular amongst Trump and his cronies for his unwavering support, but after reporters did a little bit of digging into his past, the Florida native’s record revealed that he had previously stabbed a man from Louisiana named Leonard Dupree in the eye with a sharpened stick while he was serving in a Black supremacist religious group. Who knew that was a thing, right?

Michael spoke about the incident during an interview with href=””> Chicago’s WLS-AM in 2017.

Trump makes a move on Candace Owens during the Young Black Leadership Summit in the White House on Oct. 4, 2019. | Source: Bloomberg / Getty

“I belonged to Yahweh Ben Yahweh, and he was not violent; he was a black man that was destroyed by the Clintons because we were black and prominent and doing things positive, as they have attacked all-black organizations,” he explained.

He then when on to add that he was proud of Trump for conquering “the Kingdom of Babylon”, with his election win that year, adding that he had “delivered everybody out of the sure hands of death.”

Trump is followed by Ben Carson in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Dec. 7, 2019. | Source: MANDEL NGAN / Getty

Michael isn’t the only Black person who has shown an odd amount of support from Trump over the years.

We already know about the likes of Ben Carson, Candace Owens and Paris Dennard, to name but a few Blacks who have long been riding for Trump. But they’re far from the only Blacks for Trump, as shown by the growing, sunken list below.

1. Ali Alexander

Source:The Alex Jones Show

Ali Alexander is so dedicated to 45 and Trumpublicans that he organized the so-called “Stop The Steal” rally that kicked off the Capitol riots — something for which he’s both been subpoenaed and will likely have to testify before Congress. He’s implicated himself and three Republican Congressmen in a video that said the four of them “schemed up of putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting” in order to “change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud roar from outside.”

The Washington Post described him as “a felon who has also been identified in media reports as Ali Akbar” and someone who “gained a large following by live-streaming monologues in which he professed his conservative views and support for Trump.”

Alexander managed to weasel himself into the former first family’s good graces when he tweeted that then-Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris is not an “American Black,” an incorrect sentiment retweeted by Donald Trump Jr. The rest is MAGA history.

2. Jack Brewer


Jack Brewer, a former NFL player and longtime Democrat, is a relatively recent MAGA man. But he’s in it for the long run since his pro-Trump rhetoric places him at the point of no political return.

Not only has Brewer called Trump “the first Black president” — a backhanded slap to the face of President Barack Obama, ther actual first Black president who Trump has consistently tried to discredit with racist attacks — but he has also said how “fed up” he is with Trump being portrayed as a racist. 

“I know what racism looks like, I’ve seen it firsthand,” Brewer said during the 2020 Republican National Convention. “America, it has no resemblance to President Trump. I’m fed up with the way he’s portrayed in the media, who refuse to acknowledge what he’s actually done for the Black community. It’s confusing the minds of our innocent children.”

3. Daniel Cameron


Kentucky’s first Black attorney general Daniel Cameron has been open about his support of Donald Trump over the last year. Cameron spoke in favor of Trump during the 2020 election. Trump honored Cameron after his questionable decision to not charge officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.

4. Larry Elder


Larry Elder, who lost the California gubernatorial recall election, is your cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill Black Republican who worships Trump.

He once called Trump “almost God-sent,” which is really all you need to know about the conservative right-wing talk show host who regurgitates many Republican talking points, like the time he said that he believes slave masters would be owed reparations before anyone else because they had their “property” taken from them when slavery was abolished. 

Yes, really.

5. Vernon Jones


Vernon Jones, a former Democratic state representative from Georgia-turned Republican gubernatorial candidate, revealed during the 2020 elections that he would be casting his vote in support of Trump. Jones told viewers during the Republican National Convention last year:

“The Democratic party does not want Black people to leave their mental plantation. We’ve been forced to be there for decades and generations, but I have news for Joe Biden. We are free people with free minds and I’m part of a large and growing segment of the black community who are independent thinkers…we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward.”

6. Burgess Owens


Burgess Owens is a Republican Congressman from Utah who was endorsed by Trump and returned the favor by helping to challenge the electoral votes that Joe Biden legitimately won in the 2020 election.

The former NFL player used a clumsy football metaphor to explain why he was so resolute to “to leave everything on the field” while trying to secure an unattainable win for Trump.

But did Burgess actually believe that there was election fraud despite that conspiracy theory being widely, repeatedly and definitively debunked?

“Absolutely. Yes, I do,” Burgess said last year. “There’s no question in my mind that I think he won.”

7. Katrina Pierson


Katrina Pierson, one of Trump’s trusty communications advisers, once called slavery “good history.” Let’s just start there.

Beyond that, Pierson has also refuted claims that Trump is racist; her proof, she says, is that President Abraham Lincoln didn’t have any Black people in his White House, either.

Well, all of that blind loyalty earned her a one-way subpoena to testify before the House Jan. 6 Committee about her role in the days leading up to the Capitol riots.

8. Tim Scott


South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott — the only Black Republican U.S. Senator — is a familiar face on this list. But his recent efforts to stay in the good graces of Trump have shown he’s a tried and true MAGA lifer who is proud of his association with the former president.

Aside from derailing any hope for police reform, Scott — reportedly eyeing a run for president — has gone out of his way to trumpet Trumpian rhetoric, including that time he insisted “America is not a racist country” in his rebuttal to a speech given by Biden.

Scott enjoyed the distinction of being the only Black Senator to vote to acquit Trump during his second impeachment, a process he said was “the closest thing to a political death row trial.”

Scott also voiced support numerous times to confirm racist judges nominated by Trump, has praised Trump’s foreign policy that experts have widely criticized and had the audacity to unconvincingly claim that he was unaware of any racism in Trump’s past.

9. Herschel Walker


Herschel Walker, the former football star-turned U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia, was encouraged to seek office by Trump, his decades-long friend.

Walker, who was one of Trump’s employees when he played in the USFL — another of Trump’s failed business ventures — said his “soul” was hurt when he learned people called the former president racist.

“I take it as a personal insult that people think I would have a 37-year friendship with a racist,” Walker said with a straight face during his official endorsement of Trump’s re-election during the 2020 Republican National Convention.