Source: Noel Vasquez / Getty

If there’s one topic that will always grab the attention of Black people as a whole, the ongoing debate regarding the status of monetary reparations being distributed to descendants of enslaved African Americans is sure to always be a sensitive subject.

Famed TV personality and talk show host Dr. Phil opened up that can of worms a few weeks ago on his soon-ending titular daytime series, and let’s just say his hot take was met with a rather cold response from the melanated majority.

Take a look below at the clip that reignited the reparations conversation in the first place, reposted via Hollywood Unlocked:

Titled “Should We Allow Reparations to Black Americans?,” the aforementioned episode of Dr. Phil that aired on April 18 featured a handful of opinions from those both for and against the idea of a lump sum payout to make up for the inhumane abuse towards an entire race of people. Phil himself was quoted as saying, “If you take $350,000 or $840,000 and you write a check to any group of people — Black, white, poor, homeless, whatever — if you give any group of people that much money and say there you go, best of luck and you come back in six months, they’re going to be broke.” He further cemented his opinion by adding, “Whatever reparations are done, that would be an absolute disaster as opposed to guidance and help in creating generational wealth as opposed to income.”

The $350K figure came from research done by Duke University professor William Darity, a guest on the show who called in to state the facts on what the reality of reparations could possibly look like. “The first condition is that reparations should be paid to Black Americans whose ancestors were enslaved in the United States,” he stated on his findings, further adding, “this would require an expenditure of $14 trillion, which would be distributed evenly across the 40 million Black American descendants of US slavery; that would be approximately $350,000 per person.” Darity’s 2020 book, From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century, maps out the entire plan in detail.

As stated earlier, many took offense to the mere title of the episode posing the question of whether Black Americans “should” be “allowed” anything. Popular political commentator Van Lathan took it a step further while speaking with his Higher Learning podcast co-host Rachel Lindsay, telling her, “nobody’s asking for permission…from Dr. Phil!” More on his side of the debate below:

Reparations aren’t about what America thinks Black people would do with the money. It’s about an actual, real, tangible debt. Conversations like Dr Phil is having are ridiculous. Don’t parent us, pay us.

— Van Lathan Jr (@VanLathan) April 27, 2023


Watch the full episode of Dr. Phil titled “Should We Allow Reparations to Black Americans?” and answer the question for us after seeing what many had to say on social media below.


1. Facts. More folks will continue to come outta the woodwork now that they realize the reparations conversation is full steam ahead + gaining more momentum by the day. Dr. Phil can go to hell. He isn’t stopping a thing. No steps backwards

Facts. More folks will continue to come outta the woodwork now that they realize the reparations conversation is full steam ahead + gaining more momentum by the day. Dr. Phil can go to hell. He isn’t stopping a thing. No steps backwards

— Alan Holmes (@oh_HOLMES) April 29, 2023

via @oh_HOLMES

2. Dr. Phil’s recent episode on Reparations is the beginning of mainstream media controlling the discourse surrounding the issue to ADOS’ detriment. It is being framed as a solution solely for the harm of Slavery while omitting everything afterward leading up to 1965—take heed.

Dr. Phil’s recent episode on Reparations is the beginning of mainstream media controlling the discourse surrounding the issue to ADOS’ detriment. It is being framed as a solution solely for the harm of Slavery while omitting everything afterward leading up to 1965—take heed.

— Our Objective (@ourobjective) April 19, 2023

via @ourobjective

3. Reparations topic on dr. Phil show was the worst ideal ever all he spoke was “whitewashed” propaganda smh

Reparations topic on dr. Phil show was the worst ideal ever all he spoke was “whitewashed” propaganda smh

— fearoffbaplanet (@MelaninPlanet) April 21, 2023

via @MelaninPlanet

4. Dr. Phil is a f*cking idiot. Cash Reparations are owed & I don’t give a f*ck what anyone “thinks” about it. The law is the law, crimes against humanity never expire, wage theft is illegal. Black Americans are owed what was taken from us. F*ck all this talk. #CutTheCheck

Dr. Phil is a f*cking idiot. Cash Reparations are owed & I don’t give a f*ck what anyone “thinks” about it. The law is the law, crimes against humanity never expire, wage theft is illegal. Black Americans are owed what was taken from us. F*ck all this talk. #CutTheCheck

— Nas (@nasescobar316) April 20, 2023

via @nasescobar316

5. This is GOLD! Civil rights activist @BobWoodson dropping truth bombs about “Black America” and reparations on Dr Phil. Sound Up!

This is GOLD! Civil rights activist @BobWoodson dropping truth bombs about “Black America” and reparations on Dr Phil.

Sound Up!

— KC (@KCPayTreeIt) April 19, 2023

via @KCPayTreeIt

6. Just watched Bob Woodson “Civil Rights Activist” on Dr. Phil babbling against #REPARATIONS…of course he’s a MacArthur Foundation recipient

Just watched Bob Woodson “Civil Rights Activist” on Dr. Phil babbling against #REPARATIONS…of course he’s a MacArthur Foundation recipient

— NoStrings518 (@strings518) April 18, 2023

via @strings518

7. Lemme just say that some of the people who sat on that stage with Dr. Phil when the conversation of reparations was being discussed displayed some ver questionable and disappointing behavior when he uttered that it would be an “Absolute Disaster”.

Lemme just say that some of the people who sat on that stage with Dr. Phil when the conversation of reparations was being discussed displayed some ver questionable and disappointing behavior when he uttered that it would be an “Absolute Disaster”.

— (@uknowpayne) April 25, 2023

via @uknowpayne

8. As you listen to this #Blacktwitter think about Dr. Phil’s questioning whether #Blackpeople can handle the monies owed by reparations. This is from a white man who’s whole TV career and wealth was made possible by a #BlackWomen called #Oprah. #DrPhil = white entitlement.

As you listen to this #Blacktwitter think about
Dr. Phil’s questioning whether #Blackpeople
can handle the monies owed by reparations.
This is from a white man who’s whole TV career
and wealth was made possible by a #BlackWomen
called #Oprah. #DrPhil = white entitlement.

— @ Black Jesus com (@BlackJesuscom) April 23, 2023

via @BlackJesuscom

9. Dr. Phil: Should we allow reparations to Black Americans? Who the hell are you Dr. Phil? Black folks their true colors and biases always come to the forefront Boycott Dr. Phil’s show ASAP

Dr. Phil: Should we allow reparations to Black Americans?
Who the hell are you Dr. Phil?
Black folks their true colors and biases always come to the forefront
Boycott Dr. Phil’s show ASAP

— theprophet359 (@theprophet6359) April 20, 2023

via @theprophet6359

10. Fuck you “Dr Phil”. Reparations is a debt owe to freed slaves, and subsequently their descendants for the harms of slavery, the land they was supposed to distribute to them and didn’t, the structural racism after slavery. Idgaf if you think it’ll be a distaster.

Fuck you “Dr Phil”. Reparations is a debt owe to freed slaves, and subsequently their descendants for the harms of slavery, the land they was supposed to distribute to them and didn’t, the structural racism after slavery.

Idgaf if you think it’ll be a distaster.

— Heartbreaker D. (@Just_CallMeD) April 20, 2023

via @Just_CallMeD

11. Dr. Phil said reparations for slavery would be “an absolute disaster.” This doesn’t make sense! The $90 billion reparations Jewish people received from Germany hasn’t been a disaster. If reparations haven’t been a disaster for Jews; why would reparations be a disaster for Blacks?

Dr. Phil said reparations for slavery would be “an absolute disaster.” This doesn’t make sense! The $90 billion reparations Jewish people received from Germany hasn’t been a disaster. If reparations haven’t been a disaster for Jews; why would reparations be a disaster for Blacks?

— Wesley Nkohla (@WarlockWesley) April 22, 2023

via @WarlockWesley

12. Dr Phil is right! None of us blacks that are alive today were slaves, so we don’t deserve reparations.

Dr Phil is right! None of us blacks that are alive today were slaves, so we don’t deserve reparations.

— Mîky (@MikEy_Vra) April 28, 2023

via @MikEy_Vra

13. I really don’t want to hear Dr Phil talking about reparations

I really don’t want to hear Dr Phil talking about reparations

— Miss Jacks0n (@1783Amer1can) April 19, 2023

via @1783Amer1can

14. It’s “Dr. Phil’s” ignorance that surprised me. He ought to respect the voice of the ONLY academic on his stage—-Dr. Darity. When it comes to whites with credentials he’s 1st to shoot the “ we have the best minds…” tagline. Fact is other got reparations. We will 2

It’s “Dr. Phil’s” ignorance that surprised me. He ought to respect the voice of the ONLY academic on his stage—-Dr. Darity. When it comes to whites with credentials he’s 1st to shoot the “ we have the best minds…” tagline. Fact is other got reparations. We will 2

— Kiki (@kikithegemini) April 26, 2023

via @kikithegemini

15. . @SandyDarity : I already knew “Dr.” Phil was an unreliable source, but his hit piece on #reparations takes him down to an even lower rung. Thank you for your work!

.@SandyDarity: I already knew “Dr.” Phil was an unreliable source, but his hit piece on #reparations takes him down to an even lower rung. Thank you for your work!

— Osha Davidson (@OshaDavidson) April 20, 2023

via @OshaDavidson