Republican candidate for Arizona governor Kari Lake speaks during the Republican Party election night event on November 8, 2022, in Scottsdale, Arizona. | Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Former right-wing news anchor Kari Lake has lost her bid to become governor of Arizona to Democrat Katie Hobbs. Now, the MAGA Trump-humper-in-chief is considering following in her orangey-white nationalist overlord’s footsteps by challenging the election results with zero evidence that they need to be challenged. (She was a fierce supporter of Donald Trump’s “stop the steal” propaganda campaign after all.)

Meanwhile, Black Twitter is challenging the results of Lake’s ancestry and whether or not she’s been a woman of color passing as a white woman this whole time.

Thank you. It’s not that she’s passing, it’s that she embraces white supremacists. If someone dug up her applications for TV stations she worked for, she may have claimed to be a minority.

— Indistinct Chatter (@IndstnctChtr) November 17, 2022

So I just seen this TT video that has me like hmmm about Kari Lake…I mean I was already thinking it but I see I’m not the only Black person thinking it…She might be passing…

— Dee (@deedee_dunlap) November 16, 2022

So Kari Lake is a passing black woman that black twitter didn’t mention until after she lost to the white Democrat because not every skin folk is kin folk.

— D (@dilemmv) November 17, 2022

Now, I was first introduced to the possibility of Lake being Bizarro World Rachel Dolezal when writer Damon Young posed the question of whether she’s at least partially Black on Facebook.

I have aunties that look like Kari Lake. Imagine, passing. In 2022. Very interesting. But she can stay over there.

— Whitney Alese (@TheReclaimed) November 16, 2022

“So now that kari lake lost, we can ask, can’t we?” Young asked. “I mean, she is, ain’t she? she has to know she is, right? If she don’t know–and she do, she has to know, but let’s just say she don’t–who gonna tell her? She can stay where she is, she don’t have to come over here. we don’t want her. They can keep her. but she gotta know, right?”

Now, I never personally gave Lake enough of my attention to ever even get a good look at her, but after seeing some close-up images of her looking like a middle age Walmart brand version of Whitley Gilbert, I’m not so sure what to think.

Kari Lake is a lightskinned Black white supremacist. I found it odd she is acting white. She’s clearly not.

— Jamin Keene (@JaminKCreates) November 16, 2022

I wasn’t paying much attention to her at all during the election but now that I’ve had some time to deep dive…look I’ve been Black my whole life and I do think Kari Lake is Black and passing as white.

— with a Y (@wyntermitchell) November 17, 2022

@KariLake is black and passing for white. No cap. Gotta be! @WokeOn5 @CarolWoke @BigBallsBohn

— el cordobes (@sixbravebulls) November 17, 2022

I mean, sure, Lake looks like she might lightly season half a chicken breast before tossing it into the air fryer. She looks like she might be able to electric slide on beat for at least five seconds before she reflexively starts river dancing. Lake definitely looks like half of her might have tried to lynch the other half of her in her sleep. She looks like she might wash one leg in the shower and use an actual washcloth 3 days a week, sure.

Still, some on Black Twitter are like—nah, she’s a whole white woman and Black people have no business trying to claim her.

Kari Lake is not Black. Wtf is wrong with y’all.

— Cassandra the Anti-Nihilist (@WriterWarrior) November 17, 2022

I did NOT have some Black folks looking at filtered images of failed candidate Kari Lake and thinking they see “some Black in her” on my 2022 bingo card.

— Uppity Faerie Gothmother of Metal & Mermaid Queen (@FountainPenDiva) November 16, 2022

White people lost Slash so they’re conspiring to force Kari Lake on Black Twitter and that is a hate crime

— Kristi YamaGuccimane (@wapplehouse) November 17, 2022

It really doesn’t matter whether Lake is 100 percent Caucasian or half Karen, half Candace Owens—because she’s a full MAGA right-winger who should be rejected by the Black delegation. I’m honestly not even sure what the point of this debate is.

It’s pretty amusing though. So, what do y’all think? Is Kari Lake’s potato salad raisinless, or nah?


‘You Know I’m Black, Right?’ The Horrifying Things White People Feel Comfortable Telling This African American Woman

‘A Chosen Exile:’ Examining African Americans Passing As White In America

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