Black Twitter Calls Out Scarce Media Coverage Of Dana White Slapping His Wife Compared To Will Smith
Dana White speaks to the media on Jan. 11, 2023, for the first time since he was caught slapping his wife on New Year’s Eve. | Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty
Perhaps, by now, you’ve seen the video circulating on social media that shows UFC president Dana White slapping his wife on New Year’s Eve at a nightclub in Mexico. Or perhaps you haven’t. Or maybe you had to Google it because it hasn’t exactly been the subject of a weeks-long media frenzy the way similar events have been for celebrities that don’t possess the complexation for protection.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the video yet, here it is:
SHOCKING FOOTAGE!!! UFC President and Power Slap Fighting League owner Dana White slapping his wife up in a night club.
— The World Famous MVO (Matt) (@izdatyofaceee) January 3, 2023
Now, some people will note that White’s wife slapped him first. Those people will probably also ignore the fact that White, who is at least twice her size, was excessive in his response to what was a relatively a light tap on the cheek.
Dana White’s wife slaps him to which he responds by (rightfully) slapping her back. It isn’t even slightly outrageous. If you truly believe in equality for men & women, you wouldn’t bat an eyelid looking at the video. Women do not get a free pass to beat men. #AbuseHasNoGender
— Dobby (@DobbyDog555) January 5, 2023
Dana White when his wife gives him a lil slappy slap in the club
— Lt.Capicola (@EddieMerc) January 3, 2023
The funny thing is even White doesn’t appear to think his actions are defendable.
“One thing I do want to clarify in this thing that I didn’t talk about on TMZ, because I didn’t expect it or I didn’t see it coming, is the people that are defending me,” White said, ESPN reported. “There’s never an excuse. There’s no defense for this, and people should not be defending me, no matter what. All the criticism I’ve received this week is 100% warranted.”
Of course, it probably doesn’t help that he practically boasted about the fact that he won’t be punished for any of it outside of the court of public opinion.
Do you know how privileged you have to be to slap your wife on camera and then say the words “my punishment is I did it…I have to walk around with that label”
Oh to live in Dana White’s world…
— Mike Creef (@MikeCreef) January 11, 2023
From ESPN:
White said that internal discussions regarding the incident have taken place, including with ESPN, and that he has already been dealing — and will continue to deal with — his “punishment” from the incident.
“What should the repercussions be?” White said. “I take 30 days off? How does that hurt me? I told you guys as we were going through [the COVID-19 pandemic], COVID could last 10 years, and I could sit it out. It’s much like COVID, actually. Me leaving hurts the company. Hurts my employees. Hurts the fighters. Doesn’t hurt me. I could’ve left in 2016 [when the company was acquired by Endeavor]. Do I need to reflect? I’ve been against this. I’ve owned this. I’m telling you that I’m wrong.
“Here’s my punishment: I have to walk around for however long I live — and this is how I’m labeled now. My other punishment is that I’m sure a lot of people — whether it be media, fighters, friends, acquaintances — who had respect for me might not have respect for me now. There’s a lot of things I have to deal with the rest of my life that’s way more of a punishment than, what, I take a 30-day or 60-day absence?”
White did not outline any changes to UFC policy regarding its athletes and domestic violence, which has varied on a case-by-case basis. White has stated in the past, “You don’t bounce back from putting your hands on a woman,” and he said Wednesday that that is still the case.
“You don’t bounce back from this,” White said. “For the rest of my life, people will label me that. I did it.”
Yeeeeah, I’m pretty sure White is ignoring how short public attention spans are, especially for a story that hasn’t even gotten a fraction of the constant coverage Will Smith got for slapping Chris Rock—a thing Black Twitter had no issue pointing out.
Will Smith was on every FYP & Timeline for months, but it is like crickets for Dana White.
Kathleen Finch & David Zaslav are quiet on domestic abuse, especially debuting Power Slap: Road to the Title.
Where are Patrick Whitesell & Ari Emanuel?
— Winyah Bay Publishing Company, Inc. (@WinyahBayPubCo) January 6, 2023
Will Smith slapped a man over a perceived insult to his wife. Right or wrong, people are still going in on him.
UFC President Dana White slapped HIS WIFE at a New Year’s Eve party… You have to SEARCH to hear about it.
— Darryn M. Briggs (@darryn_briggs) January 11, 2023
THIS Is Stephen A addressing Will Smith slapping Chris Rock IN DEFENSE of his wife .. but he was softer than baby food on his buddy Dana White who slapped his own wife .. make it make sense
— Therapy & Reparations (@MrGRichardson) January 7, 2023
— Iveygirl08 (@iveygirl08) January 12, 2023
Dana white slaps like will smith but atleast will slapped a man his own size
Meathead over here slapping his wife like shes the bag
— daniel (@Mr412_to_ca) January 3, 2023
Now, granted, Smith is much more of a household name than White will ever be, and the Oscars stage is certainly much more noteworthy than some random club in Mexico. Still, the coverage of Will’s slap seemed like it would never end, and it appears people are still waiting for wide coverage on White to begin.
Also, where are all the “traumatized” celebrities that immediately hopped on their soapboxes to condemn Smith? Why isn’t Rosie O’Donnell erroneously comparing Dana White to Donald Trump right now?
Hell, the media, as well as all these outspoken celebs, could at least have the same smoke for White as they did for Kyrie Irving.
We all watch the public LYNCHING of Kyrie Irving. With the help of WHITEstream Media, Dana White will suffer no such fate. Meanwhile, ESPN buried the story, Molly Qerim & Stephen A. Smith out her cappin.
Now he politely says “I’m white and I say so.”
— #FirstThem NEWS (@FirstThemNEWS) January 12, 2023
As far as many of us are concerned, “White” is Dana’s middle name and his last name is “Privilege.”
That’s about all I have to say about that.
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