In this episode of Black Folklore, host Grant Yanney tells the story of the haunting of Sorrell-Weed House.

To read the entire story about the haunting of Sorrell-Weed House click here.

In Savannah, Georgia, on the edge of Madison Square sits a house with a disturbing past. The story of Sorrel Weed House is chilling, scary and its history is shrouded in horrific tales from the antebellum south. These tales include a slave girl named Molly who lived in the mid-1800s. She was mysteriously hung after her slaveowner’s wife committed suicide.

Now Molly’s ghost is trapped in the house along with its horrors, haunting it for eternity. Paranormal activity buffs consider Sorrel Weed House to be one of the most haunted homes in the U.S.

The internet is flooded with stories of ghost hunters visiting the estate and hearing screams late at night, seeing ghostly figures in photos, and even seeing a lady in all black roaming the hallways.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there is no questioning the horrors people of color, as well as women, faced living in the antebellum south. Ghost stories are usually told because some horrific tragedy didn’t get the justice or attention it deserved. Well, let’s give it some attention.

According to folklore, Francis Sorrel also had infidelity problems, which led to the death of Matilda, his second wife. Stories say Francis had an intimate relationship with one of his slave girls named Molly. His wife caught wind of the affair and the two in the act. Let’s be clear consent means both parties are free to make their own choices. But since Molly was a slave, she wouldn’t have had much choice in having a relationship with Sorrel, her slave owner.

One night during their sexual encounters, Sorrel’s wife Matilda discovers the affair and is completely broken. In a manic state, Matilda jumps from a second-story window of the house next door to the Sorrel house, killing herself.

A few weeks later slave girl Molly was found dead hanging from a noose in the carriage at the Sorrel home estate.

The ghost of Molly now haunts the estate and her tragic death became folklore among the city people. Questions swirled around the two deaths. Did Sorrel have a hand in both? Even though there are newspaper articles to support the death of Matilda, there is no evidence to prove the death of Molly.

If you want to read more original Black Folklore stories CLICK HERE.


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