Bigoted GOP Candidate Caught Using Racist And Sexist Slurs In Phone Recording Claims He’s Not A Bigot
Source: Winston County Jail
At this point, the headline, “A GOP Candidate Turns Out To Be Racist And Mysoginistic” is the equivalent of the headline, “Sky Turned Gray Just Before The Rain” or “Ball Thrown In The Air Lands Seconds Later.”
So, in today’s “Water is Still Wet” news, Daniel Boman, a Republican candidate for Congress in Alabama’s 5th District, was recently suspended from practicing law because the Alabama State Bar apparently doesn’t take kindly to bigoted attorneys who get caught in recorded phone calls using racist and sexist slurs because he’s upset about his cellphone service.
It also probably doesn’t help that the supposed legal expert and potential lawmaker is currently facing criminal theft charges.
AL CD-5. Ex-Dem St Rep & disbarred attorney Daniel Boman (R) is challenging US Rep Dale Strong (R) in the GOP primary. Turns out Boman is currently facing felony theft charges in a 2021 case, and may face a ballot challenge from the ALGOP…
— (@Politics1com) November 21, 2023
According to, in 2017, Boman, who recently qualified with the Alabama Republican party to challenge U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Huntsville) in the Republican primary on March 5, was on a phone call recorded by Samsung regarding a dispute over a technician coming to his home to make a repair.
On the call, Boman identified himself as an attorney and said he intended to sue Samsung for the work time he said he lost while waiting on a tech to repair his washing machine after a product recall.
Boman first spoke with an African American, then was transferred to a female customer service representative.
Boman called the woman a “f…… b…..” and said she “was about as much help as that f…… n….. that I spoke with.”
“I will shoot you in the f…… head,” Boman told the female customer service rep.
Setting aside the fact that a supposedly trained attorney threatened to sue a company and, in the same recorded conversation, threatened to murder one of its employees, Boman proves what I’ve written time and time again: If you want to know whether a white person is racist or not, all you have to do is get them upset while being a Black person. In this instance, the same holds true for a man who got frustrated while dealing with a woman. Basically, a bigot is going to be a loud bigot whenever they fail to take hold of their emotions. (It’s also worth mentioning that the recorded phone call ironically came to light after Boman sued Samsung in small claims court in Marion County in 2018. Apparently, Boman is a walking advertisement for the kind of lawyer you don’t want.)
And if the loud and disgruntled bigot is a public servant or candidate for political office, they’re going to have to go on an apology tour, during which they will whitesplain that they’re not racist or sexist at all despite using blatantly, explicitly and unmistakably racist and sexist language.
“I think there’s times when we get so mad, so angry, we don’t actually realize the impact of what we’re saying,” Boman said Monday when asked by reporters about the language he used. “It just makes us feel better. Or at least we think it’s going to make us feel better to get that anger out.”
Boman also said he was “humbled” behind the scandal and he expressed deep regret for his behavior—just before claiming everyone who knows him knows he’s not racist or sexist, which is standard for bigots looking to blame their bigoted language on any and everything outside of them actually being bigots.
“There is no way anybody that knows me could ever draw a conclusion that I’m racist, sexist, or misogynist,” Boman said. “It’s just not possible. But for that one moment in time, those were the words that I chose to use. And I can give you every excuse in the world. But that is just what it would be. It would be an excuse.”
Then he went on to essentially make excuses by implying that his anger was to blame for his bigotry as if non-racist white people’s tongues suddenly flair up with a rare case of n-words-itis when they get flustered.
“There is no excuse for that. Very embarrassing low moment of my life,” he said. “And I would say that realistically, probably about beginning in 2018, when I started doing the internal evaluation of who I was, what my foundation was, what my character was, those are things that I don’t mind telling you I went and talked to people about. I wanted to get those emotions out of me. I didn’t ever want to have a thing like that happen again.
“For a grown man, I finally have learned to stay cool, stay calm,” he continued. “Even when somebody provokes me, or things don’t go as expected. Or maybe they lie, or whatever it is. It is simply out of my control other than how I react to it. And it’s taken a long time to get here. But I’m here.”
Fun fact: While Boman began (and potentially ended) his political career as a Republican, he was briefly a Democrat for roughly two years. Unsurprisingly, he was a bigot regardless of which party he belonged to.
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Boman was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2010 as a Republican. He switched parties in 2011 and lost his reelection bid after his district was redrawn. In 2012, Boman was the Democratic nominee for Congress in the 4th District and lost to the incumbent, U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville.
Boman caused controversy during that 2012 campaign when he implied Aderholt was gay by posting a hypothetical question on Facebook, although he did not use Aderholt’s name. Boman said on Friday that was a mistake and that he later apologized to Adherholt’s staff.
The best advice one can give Boman is to stick to the GOP, where bigots can easily find themselves in welcome company.
The post Bigoted GOP Candidate Caught Using Racist And Sexist Slurs In Phone Recording Claims He’s Not A Bigot appeared first on NewsOne.