Source: SAUL LOEB / Getty

Whether he realizes it or not, Joe Biden is challenging Republicans to keep the same negative and selective energy they had when President Barack Obama wore a tan suit nearly seven years ago.

Biden wore a similarly tan suit on Friday while he delivered an address from the White House in a near mirror of what happened on Aug. 28, 2014, when Obama also addressed the media while wearing a tan suit.

Both presidents were conveying important messages to the American public while wearing their tans suits.

On Friday, Biden spoke about the economy shortly after the July jobs report was released and hailed as being “strong.”

Back in 2014, Obama held a press conference to discuss the Ukraine and Islamic State militant group.

But that’s apparently where the similarities end.

President Biden bringing out the tan suit. I wonder if conservatives will be outraged again, or does that rule only apply to Black presidents?

— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) August 6, 2021

After Obama’s address, New York Rep. Peter King said on CNN at the time, “(Obama) looked like he was on his way to a party at the Hamptons.”  This is the same wacko who has defended Trump’s idiotic idea to buy Greenland.

Fox News’ Lou Dobbs called Obama “un-presidential” and said he was sending a hidden message to our enemies. This is the same person who insists Trump isn’t racist.

Other Republicans had respective meltdowns over Obama’s summery fashion pick. They even coined a term for it: “tanghazi,” a play on the Libyan city of Benghazi where an American compound was attacked in 2012 by members of Ansar al-Sharia, a militant group of Islamic extremists.

“Daily Show” host Trevor Noah at the time sarcastically referred to it as “the worst scandal in presidential history.”

Astute observers suggested the nit-picking criticism of the first Black president for, of all things, his fashion instead of policy showed the motivation behind such judgment must be racism.

Fast forward nearly seven years later and the outrage was neither immediate nor swift.

While the Hill tweeted that Biden was paying “homage” to Obama, there is likely a better chance that he was actually the trolling Republicans who criticized Obama for wearing his tan suit.

Obama, for his part, never responded to the Republican-led hatred about the color of his suit. Instead, then-White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters, “The President stands squarely behind the decision he made yesterday to wear his summer suit at yesterday’s news conference.”

Whether current White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki will be forced to do the same this time around remains to be seen. Especially since the silence from Republicans to Biden’s tan suit has been deafening compared to their reaction when Obama did it.

This is America.


Obama’s Tan Suit Sets Off Republicans More Than Comments About Ukraine, Syria

#NeverForget: Obama’s Tan Suit Media Firestorm

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