‘BBL NOT DONE WELL’: 50 Cent Tells Madonna to ‘Get Her Old A*–Up’ After She Posts Risqué Photo
50 Cent is getting his trolling on for the holidays.
The rapper-actor posted a screenshotted risqué photo from Madonna’s Instagram. The famed singer, whose face cannot be seen, is lying on her chest with her backside facing the camera and the top part of her body under the bed. The photo shows her buttocks and legs covered in black fishnet stockings and a pair of black red-bottom heels on her feet.
50 Cent and Madonna (Photo; @50cent/Instagram) (Photo: @madonna/Instagram)
50 Cent screenshotted photo of Madonna’s Instagram to troll her. (Photo: @50cent/Instagram)
In the caption, 50 wrote “yo this is the funniest shit! LOL That’s Madonna under the bed trying to do like a virgin at 63. she shot out, if she don’t get her old ass up. LMFAO GLG @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi.”
But he did not stop there. He added two more comments that say, “SMH and people say i’m fucked up, no ya gotta look around. LOL,” and “BBL NOT DONE WELL, Bars fool BARS LOL,” he said referring to cosmetic surgery she’s reportedly had done on her rump.
It’s not clear whether Madonna has seen 50 Cent’s post since she has not responded, but it may be because she was too busy going off on Instagram for taking down her post. Even though 50 Cent only screenshotted that one picture from Madonna’s page, her original post included several pictures of the singer posing topless and in sexual poses in a bed.
A few of those topless photos showed a glimpse of Madonna’s nipple, which is against Instagram’s policy. Women are not allowed to show their nipples on the social site. So, on Thanksgiving day, Madonna reposted all 10 of the photos again and this time she covered the pictures with her revealing nipple with a heart emoji.
She also swapped out her original “Angel watching over me” caption with a longer caption complaining about Instagram’s rules. “I’m reposting photographs Instagram took down without warning or notification,” she said.
Madonna goes off on Instagram for removing her original post. (Photo: @madonna/Instagram)
“The reason they gave my management that does not handle my account was that a small portion of my nipple was exposed. It is still astounding to me that we live in a culture that allows every inch of a woman’s body to be shown except a nipple. As if that is the only part of a woman’s anatomy that could be sexualized.”
The post continued, “The nipple that nourishes the baby! . Can’t a mans nipple be experienced as erotic ??!! And what about a woman’s ass which is never censored anywhere. Giving thanks that I have managed to maintain my sanity through four decades of censorship…… sexism……ageism and misogyny,” the “Material Girl” added.
This is not the first time 50 Cent has trolled Madonna about her body. In 2019, he reposted a photo of her and said, “Hahahaha. Madonna got her ass done. What the f— is going on?.”
Later, she wrote on social media to say, “Desperately seeking no one’s approval. And entitled to free agency over my body like everyone else.”
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