There is at least one menace to society off of the U.S. streets Friday morning.

Miya Ponsetto, the woman more popularly known as “SoHo Karen,” was finally arrested for assaulting a Black teen following a viral — and quasi violent — confrontation in New York City the day after Christmas when she leveled false accusations of theft before doing her best linebacker impression and actually tackling him at a hotel where she wasn’t even a guest.

The episode has traumatized 14-year-old Keyon Harrold Jr. and his father, a famous jazz musician.

After avoiding arrest for nearly two weeks, Ponsetto has nabbed in her car in California on Thursday. She was taken into custody and booked by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office after representatives from the NYPD flew to southern California earlier this week. But the fiesty 22-year-old woman didn’t surrender easily, according to reports.

Ventura County Sheriff Capt. Eric Buschow said Ponsetto was borderline violent with his officers when they attempted to apprehend her. Police initiated a traffic stop when they saw Ponsetto driving near her home in the city of Piru, but she refused to stop for two blocks. Then when she finally did stop, she refused to get out of her car. Finally, the police had to resort to using some force on her.

“She tried to slam the door on one of the deputies and that’s when they just reached in and forcibly removed her,” Buschow told the Associated Press. There was no immediate indication of the charges Pnsetto was facing, but Buschow said there was the possibility of adding on charges of resisting arrest, too.

Ponsetto previously issued a halfway apology to the Harrold family; an apology that was not accepted.

“We are not interested in what she has to say, in her feigning remorse, and we certainly will not provide her a public platform and audience to do as much,” Keyon Harrold and his partner, educator Kat Rodriguez, said this week in part of a statement about their son.

Ponsetto was caught on tape tackling and assaulting the Harrolds after she falsely accused the young man of stealing her phone, an item that was later returned by the driver of an Uber in which she was a passenger.

Ponsetto through her attorney claimed that if Uber had promptly returned the phone the ordeal may have not taken place. Her attorney claims she’s suffering from anxiety and is far from racist. Her lawyer previously told the AP that Ponsetto is “emotionally unwell.”

Her arrest came following an online petition demanding justice with more than 100,000 signatures.

This is Ponsetto’s most recent brush with the law. She has a criminal past of public intoxication, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a suspended license and unlawful use of a driver’s license. And that was just in the 2020 calendar year alone.

Ponsetto has a court date on Jan. 14 stemming from the DUI, for which she is serving three years of probation. That means her assault on Harrold Jr. likely violated the terms of her probation.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said last week that Ponsetto could be charged with assault, grand larceny or attempted robbery stemming from the incident.

Ponsetto’s arrest was executed much quicker than the one for Amy Cooper, who was shown on a viral video racially profiling Black bird watcher Christian Cooper (no relation) on Memorial Day by calling the NYPD and falsely claiming he threatened her. Cooper was charged with falsifying a police report more than a month after that incident.


Parents Of Keyon Harrold Jr. ‘Not Interested’ In An Apology From ‘SoHo Karen’

Keyon Harrold Jr. Seeking Therapy After ‘SoHo Karen’ Attacked Him

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