Ari Lennox has been triggered and offended by haters criticizing her nose for years. Scrutiny regarding her facial features, at one point, even led the singer to question if she really loved how she looked in the mirror.

During a recent Instagram Live, the D.C. native addressed how the constant comments about her appearance took a toll on her. She started the discussion by questioning if she really liked her natural nose and then recalled becoming offended by a post from the Maury Povich social media account making fun of a man with large nostrils. “Like, why is that okay for people to, I don’t know, make fun of people with large nostrils,” asked Lennox.

Ari Lennox claps back at haters criticizing her nose. (Photo: Arilennox/Instagram.)

She admitted that there were times when others made her feel ostracized and facing thoughts such as, “Maybe my nose is like Ghanian or like maybe I’m like West African, and then just hearing like people say, ‘There ain’t no noses out here that look like that!’”

“I was hanging out with someone, and they mentioned how sometimes when celebrities change their appearance, how much their money changes and how opportunity changes,” shared Lennox. “And the person was basically like, ‘Yo, same thing would probably happen to you.’”

She continued, “It’s a lot of things that have happened ever since I became a singer … it just seems like all of your—all my insecurities became heightened.”

Detractors have tweeted things such as, “Ari Lennox nose just distracts me in everything she posts” and “welp i just seen a comment where somebody said ari lennox nose look like a Ferragamo belt……. YALLLL.”

Some others have come to her defense. “If Ari Lennox were to listen to the internet, which she shouldn’t because she is GORGEOUS, and she got a botched nose job, you’ll be there using her old pictures saying “I wish she knew how beautiful she was” shut TF up. Ni–as did the same thing to Lil Kim,” read one social media post.

Ari Lennox opens up about her relationship with her nose

She talks about how some reflection helped her love her nose & that steered her away from surgery.

— The Cosmetic Lane (@TheCosmeticLane) November 20, 2023

Elsewhere in the live chat, Lennox said that she would never undergo plastic surgery on her face. “I think I’m too scary to ever do anything like that. One, it will never look right with them touching it,” she said. “Then, I don’t know, not to judge other people; this is my situation, but like the idea of having a child one day, and then my baby has my nose, and then if I changed it, and now I’m looking at my baby who has my old nose, and I’m just like, f—k. How do I convince my baby that their nose is perfect?”

Lennox, who is currently promoting her latest single, “Get Close,” revealed on “Way Up With Angela Yee” that she ditched X because she often spoke too freely, especially when responding to critics.

The “Shea Butter Baby” vocalist previously clapped back at trolls in 2019, who took issue with her nose.

In a since-deleted tweet, Lennox wrote, “How many times will y’all come for my black nose? It will never tf go anywhere. Y’all are disgusting and the reason people self-medicate and get surgery. Just f—kin stop.”

In another, she doubled down with, “Also I would never get surgery and I love my nose. I just feel this is a conversation that needs to be had. There are black babies that have insecurities cause culture says it’s funny to insult black features.”

Lennox also checked the “Maury” show in 2020 for then tweeting, “He nose he’s the father” along with a photo of a Black father and his son.