Shark Tank” investors and business owners who appear on the show have one thing in common: They each want to make a deal.

Real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran and venture capitalist Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary have even been known to take one for the team to ensure a product measures up to the promise its founders claim during the pitch session. 

Kisstixx creators and co-owners Dallas Robinson and Mike Buonomo appeared on the long-running series during Season 3 in 2009. Their invention was a line of mix-and-match lip balms that changed flavors when parties locked lips.

“When you kiss, these amazing flavors combine, creating a chemistry reaction that’s bursting with flavors and aroma,” they told the panel of investors. 

As part of the demonstration, they featured a kissing booth. Corcoran was the only female shark that day, so by default, she was volunteered.

“Barbara are you really gonna kiss Kevin?” asked Robert Herjavec.

Kevin O’Leary and Barbara Corcoran fail to seal the deal on “Shark Tank” with disastrous kiss. (Photos: Shark Tank/ABC)

O’Leary eagerly nominated himself as her Fire & Ice companion. “Listen, Barbara, if I turn to stone, I’m gonna be pretty unhappy,” he joked as they both slathered the balm on their lips.

Daymond John and Mark Cuban chanted “kiss, kiss, kiss” as Robert Herjavec held up his cellphone to record the smooch. Mr. Wonderful was game to put the products to the test. “Come on, baby,” he said to summon Corcoran, who remained tickled by the prospects of kissing her co-star.

The FUBU co-creator teased, “Don’t get your dentures locked up, guys,” as the demonstrators exhibited hesitation. Their kiss happened in the blink of an eye, literally. “You have to hold it there for just a second,” said Robinson.

As a result, the co-stars had to lock lips for a second time to ignite the flavorful spark. When it was all said and done, Corcoran laughed and pretended to gag, while Kevin said, “Tasty, very tasty.”

“They all went back to Middle school lol,” a viewer wrote on YouTube. Someone else said antics like the kids were the reason viewers did not see much of Corcoran.

“This is the reason why Barbara is always out,” they commented. A third fan typed, “I wonder if Lori was up there would more male sharks volunteer.”

Despite the kissing booth buddies putting their lips on the line, neither made an offer to help the business scale. Of the five sharks, only Cuban was willing to pony up $200,000, but for 40 percent of Kisstixx. Robinson and Buonomo accepted the deal.

The men made a reported $80,000 in sales and secured Walgreens partnership before the then-Dallas Mavericks owner gained equity. They remained in business until 2018.

As for the blushing lip lockers, Kisstixx is just one of the few times they have indulged audiences and entrepreneurs with quick pecks and flirty demos.

‘Are You Really Gonna Kiss Kevin?’: ‘Shark Tank’ Investors’ Disastrous ‘Chemistry’ Test Sinks Deal for Lip Balm Company