A viral video showing a man attempting to prevent an Amazon Flex driver from entering a gated community to make a delivery has drawn millions of views on TikTok.

TikTok user @jaileen.williams posted several clips on her account showing a heated encounter with a man who called the police after seeing her trying to enter a subdivision.

A viral TikTok video shows a man preventing an Amazon Flex delivery driver from entering a gated community to drop off a package and calling 911. (Photos: TikTok/@jaileen.williams)

The first video Williams posted of the interaction, which drew nearly 7 million views, shows her trying to record the man once he dials 911. After seeing her point the phone at him, viewers can see him attempt to snatch it away.

“I’ve got people trying to get in a secured, gated area,” the man says on the phone. “They’re trying to follow me in my golf cart.”

“Are you kidding me?” Williams responds.

The man then demands Williams stop recording him while he’s still on the phone with a dispatcher. Williams’ boyfriend, who was accompanying her on the job, points out that they’re just trying to drop off a package, and Williams states that she’s “literally in uniform for Amazon.”

“I don’t care if you’re with Amazon or not,” the man states.

Williams posted a follow-up video to explain to viewers that when she initially got to the subdivision, the golf cart driver was at the gate but couldn’t find his key fob, so he moved his cart to let her by.

Williams drove up to the gate and searched for the name of the person the package belonged to on the keypad. When their name didn’t show up, she tried phoning that person, but they didn’t answer her calls. She said that if she hadn’t been able to get in, she would have contacted Amazon and marked the package as “undeliverable.”

Williams said she could see the golf cart driver behind her looking annoyed by the wait. He approached her car to tell her that he found his key fob and could let them inside, but when he gained entry, he parked his golf cart in the space where the gate opened and blocked Williams’ car from entering the community.

Then, he approached her car again to question her reasons for visiting the subdivision. She said that the encounter escalated after he told her and her boyfriend that their “kind” didn’t belong in the community and dialed 911.

After he calls the police, Williams and her boyfriend pull out their phones and begin recording. Williams said the man reached inside to snatch their phones, took her boyfriend’s phone and threw it on the ground.

Other videos of the encounter show law enforcement at the scene and speaking with the man.

Williams later explained to viewers that after police arrived, they moved his golf cart so that she could enter the community and deliver the package.

She said he was arrested for the night, and she’s awaiting information on a court date to be mailed to her.

Thousands of viewers left their well-wishes for Williams in the comments and said they were glad she left the scene safe.

“I’m glad you stood your ground!! And I’m glad you’re safe,” one commenter wrote.

“I used to do Amazon flex and I told them we need Amazon flex [signs] to put in our car. I’ve had this problem on numerous occasions, delivering at 3am ppl were shook to see ppl on their doorstep,” someone else commented.

Amazon Flex hires independent contractors who can use their own vehicles to make deliveries on their time as a way to make some extra cash.

Williams said that she signed up with the service months ago. She only recently started using it again because work with her main job was slow.

‘Are You Kidding Me?’: White Man Calls Cops On Amazon Flex Driver Delivering Package, Says Her ‘Kind’ Doesn’t Belong In Gated Community –– He Ends Up Arrested Instead