Angry White Men Arrested For Violently Threatening Black Teen In Same Town Trayvon Martin Was Killed
Source: / iOne Digital
Two Florida white men were arrested on felony charges after they racially profiled a 16-year-old Black boy, then threw a rock through his car window. The incident happened in the same town where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin–Sanford, Florida.
Video taken by the teen was first posted to Facebook by the boy’s father on June 14. The next day the teen posted the video to his Instagram account with the caption, “I was racially profiled while driving through my friend’s neighborhood. They didn’t like the way I was driving, so they felt the need to hit my car with a cone, and throw a rock through my window. All I wanted to do was de-escalate until police came because I wasn’t about to get charges pressed on me for no reason.”
His sister also tweeted the video with the caption, “Yesterday my 16-year-old brother was racially profiled in a neighborhood in Sanford Florida, the same city as Trayvon Martin. Luckily, he had a different fate. I commend my brother for how he reacted in the situation. They tried to throw a brick at his head, And missed.”
Here’s what the car looked like afterwards. He had every right to be in that neighborhood. He was going to visit a friend. He did not deserve how nasty he was treated in that video. And now his car is damaged because of pure hatred.
— PrincessDay 1/27 (@PrincessJazzzi) June 15, 2022
In the video, Donald Corsi and Howard Hughes are seen harassing the young boy as he records the damage that was done to his vehicle. Corsi accuses the boy of “burning out, racing through [his] neighborhood,” then Hughes can be heard yelling, “Get out of my neighborhood f***wad.”
A white woman also joins in on the harassment, telling the boy, “Get out of this neighborhood. You don’t belong here.”
In the video, you can also see that the boy’s vehicle had been severely damaged. The gigantic rock used to smash the window still in the backseat covered in shattered glass. Underneath the smashed-out window was a huge dent in the rear door, which was also covered in scratches.
According to, Donald Corsi was charged with weapon offenses for sending a “missile” into a vehicle. Howard Hughes was charged with first-degree misdemeanor battery. Both men were additionally charged with criminal mischief, accusing them of causing more than $1,000 in damages to property.
As sad and disturbing as this incident was, thankfully no one was killed.
On Feb 26, 2012, George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin while he was walking through a Sanford, Florida community. (We all know how that played out.)
Clearly, young Black boys aren’t welcomed in Sanford.
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