Alleged Anti-Vaxxer Letitia Wright May Not Return To Marvel Cinematic Universe Over Vaccine Mandate
Maaaaaaan, what is going on with Black Panther actress Letitia Wright? The 28-year-old who is best known for playing the role of Shuri in the Marvel Cinematic Universe smash hit has been the center of controversy ever since last year when she made comments that got her labeled an anti-vaxxer. Now, inside sources are reporting that her alleged reluctance to get the shot has led her to toy around with the possibility of not returning to the MCU after she’s done filming Black Panther 2, a film that she’s set to star in as the new Black Panther.
A “trusted and proven” source reportedly told sci-fi entertainment blog Giant Freaking Robot that Wright—who, in August, suffered an injury while filming Black Panther 2 that has halted production on the film until sometime in 2022—doesn’t want to return to the MCU because she is unwilling to bend to Disney’s vaccine mandate for actors, creators and employees.
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The publication noted that while Wright has not disclosed her vaccination status, “both the Hollywood Reporter and Newsweek have heard from their sources that she is unvaccinated.”
Disney’s vaccine mandate doesn’t apply to the upcoming Black Panther sequel as it had already started filming before the mandate was issued, so, at the very least, we probably don’t have to worry about Wright leaving the film series that catapulted her career before production on Black Panther 2 is finished. Still, her character is largely adored and will certainly be missed if her next appearance in the MCU turns out to be her last.
Of course, it’s worth noting that Wright herself has yet to make any public statements regarding her future with the franchise, so we’ll just have to see what happens.
The idea of Wright being an anti-vaxxer stems from last year when she retweeted a YouTube video that questioned the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. After receiving negative attention for the retweet, Wright posted a since-deleted tweet from her personal Twitter account a little more than a year ago that suggested people increase their awareness of the vaccine.
“my intention was not to hurt anyone, my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies,” Wright tweeted on Dec, 4, 2020. “Nothing else.”
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