Source: RobinOlimb / Getty

A group of republicans in Alabama are apologizing after they posted a racist GOP image on social media, although the group says it was an accident.

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According to NBC News, the Lawrence County Republican Party meant to post a picture of the GOP elephant on their Facebook page, but the image they used was laced with racist KKK imagery. Carved into the legs of the red and blue elephant with subtlety, were three Klu Klux Klan masks with small horrid-shaped eyes. At first glance not very noticeable but after a few seconds, the troll is easily spotted. 

A spokesperson for the organization said they got the image after searching for the well-known elephant on google, and immediately took it down once they noticed their mistake. But the damage had already been done, multiple screenshot aficionados went to work and reposted the post to forever live on the internet.

A Republican group in Alabama is apologizing after accidentally using a picture of the GOP elephant that contained Ku Klux Klan imagery.

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) August 18, 2022

Shannon Terry, a chairman of the group has taken responsibility for the post and has since apologized.

In a Facebook post, Terry wrote:

“I would like to offer a deep and sincere apology for a picture that temporarily appeared on this page last night. A google search picture of a GOP elephant was used and later found to have hidden images that do not represent the views or beliefs of the Lawrence County Republican Party. As chairman I take full responsibility for the error.”

This image isn’t new to the internet.  In 2020, David Corn and Mother Jones used it as the main photo for an article titled, “The Republican Party Is Racist And Soulless,” which exposes the hated and bigotry of Trumpism. 

Look we get it, mistakes happen. But in a time when racial tensions are high and political discord keeps us divided, these mistakes get magnified. Plus why does the GOP seem to have a habit of blurting out racist Freudian slips? 

We must not forget when Republican US Rep. Mary Miller stood up in front of Magaland and thanked Donald Trump for the “historic victory for white life,” after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

US Rep. Mary Miller: “President Trump, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life, in the Supreme Court yesterday.”

They’re not even hiding it anymore.

— Jakkar Aimery (@WordsByJakkar) June 26, 2022


Seems like the perfect time for a George W. Bush quote:


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The post Alabama Republicans Blame Google After Using KKK Photo On Facebook appeared first on NewsOne.