Ajike “AJ” Owens. | Source: Ben Crump

Since the killing of Ajike “AJ” Owens in Ocala, Florida, by allegedly racist white woman Susan Lorincz, who was arrested and charged with multiple crimes Tuesday, the Marion County sheriff has gone out of his way to portray the fatal shooting as the unfortunate result of an ongoing “feud” between neighbors and has even gone as far as to say both Owens and Lorincz displayed “a lot of aggressiveness” leading up to the shooting. It was already a shameful remark to make considering only one neighbor fatally shot someone while the victim was only doing what most parents would do for the protection of their children. (And, I mean, we’re literally just talking about knocking on the door and demanding Lorincz come out and answer for allegedly attacking Owens’ children.)

58-yo Susan Lorincz has been arrested and charged with manslaughter and other offenses in the Ocala (FL) shooting death of neighbor Ajike Owens, who was shot through a closed door. This is an important step in a NECESSARY journey to justice for AJ. pic.twitter.com/2YyorzZaMA

— Ben Crump (@AttorneyCrump) June 7, 2023

But the victim-blaming remarks by Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods become even more appalling now that it’s evident that Owens and her children were hardly the only people in the neighborhood who have been in altercations with the killer Karen named Susan, and, in fact, according to multiple residents, Lorincz has been involved in an ongoing “feud” with damn near everyone and their children.

From NBC News:

In interviews with NBC News, neighbors recalled the times they said the suspect recorded their children, taunted them with slurs, called the police and waved guns at them — just for being kids.

Hours before the shooting, Franklyn Colon was playing in a field with his son and other children when, he said, Lorincz stuck her middle finger up at him.

Colon, who added Owens was the first person to warn him about Lorincz when he moved to the neighborhood about two years ago, said the suspect started recording and screaming “all kinds of nonsense towards me, towards the kids, towards everyone else.”

Phyllis Wills, 33, has lived in the neighborhood for about 15 years. She knew Owens and knew of Lorincz “because she used to come outside all the time and harass our kids,” she said. “Everybody in this neighborhood has feuded with this lady over our children.”

She said Lorincz had a problem with children simply being children.

“Our kids used to play in the field over there all the time. It’s an apartment complex. These are children who, you know, they’re, they’re going to do things. … Every time they’ve went even in the patch of grass over there, she would be like, ‘Get off of my lawn, you b—- or you retards or you N-word.’ She would wave guns at them,” Wills said.

Wills continued: “She recorded them every time she’s came outside. She’s gotten into her truck and blasted the radio as loud as she could to agitate the kids. She’s gotten into her truck and laid on the horn for long periods of time to agitate them, as well. She sped out in her truck out here, just crazy things.”

So, this woman, who it took days to arrest after she shot someone through her door, has, according to her neighbors, harassed children, brandished a firearm at children, and called them racial slurs and other names on numerous occasions. And, in true Karen fashion, this white woman and apparent neighborhood menace has had the nerve to call the police on the children she’s allegedly victimized just for committing the egregious crime of minding their own business, according to another neighbor.

More from NBC:

Sharna Mozell, 36, who has lived in the neighborhood about 12 years, said Lorincz “was a problem with the kids.”

Her 10-year-old daughter would most frequently play outside with other children in the neighborhood.

Lorincz “used to come outside, and she used to record them constantly. And she’ll just flick them off while she’s recording the kids, calling them out their names,” said Mozell, the mother of four children ranging in age from 10 to 19.

She added that Lorincz would bully children and was known in the neighborhood as a “Karen,” a sarcastic term for a white woman who harasses people of color and has a reputation for racism. Mozell said her youngest daughter told her that Lorincz would record them and then contact authorities for the mere act of playing.

“‘Mama, Karen called the police on us today,’” Mozell said her daughter would tell her.

She continued: “But the police never do anything … because we’re kids, we’re just playing. Like, I don’t understand, like, what was her motive or what was the problem?”

By all accounts, Susan Lorincz was a ticking time bomb and a walking hate crime waiting to happen. And it’s just really difficult to believe that the local authorities were aware of an ongoing “feud” between Owens and her killer but they didn’t know of Lorincz’s alleged history of terrorizing the children in her neighborhood. Meanwhile, it doesn’t appear that neighbors have anything negative to say about Owens, who Woods characterized as aggressive after she was killed.

“She never bothered nobody. She was most definitely always in the house and doing what she had to do for her kids,” said Mozell’s son, Jamerien Wilson, who said he didn’t know the victim well but often played basketball with her 12-year-old son and other neighborhood kids.

Lorincz is now facing charges of manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, battery and two counts of assault, but if half of what her neighbors are saying about her is true, she should be facing much more.


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