‘A Healing Message’: Fans Praise Lauren London After the Actress Says This About Life’s Circumstances
Lauren London candidly discussed the power of surrendering during a recent interview with author and former monk Jay Shetty.
In Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast, which was released on Feb. 28, the actress opened up about adjusting her life plan for her family following the tragic passing of her longtime partner, Nipsey Hussle.
On March 31, 2019, Hussle died after being fatally shot in Los Angeles, California, in front of his Marathon clothing store. The incident left a man by the name of Eric R. Holder charged with murder.
When Shetty asked how it felt having her life torn apart despite the set plans, London said at the 17:41 mark of the talk that the tragedy prompted her to surrender to the higher power. “I think for me it was I had this idea, we had the kids, we had the family and the head of the household is not here anymore. Does that mean I have no purpose here anymore? No. I still have a purpose. I still have a mission. Now I have to tap into myself.”
The 37-year-old continued, “I had to surrender my idea of what I thought my life should be and give God and give my children the opportunity for a happy life. Give God my life, so my life is what the divine wants from me, so I flow with the river. I’m not holding on to the rocks. I’m not grasping onto things that [I] have to let go of. It is literally I’m going to say it again, the ultimate test of surrender.”
London wrapped up her statement by clarifying that surrendering is a “powerful” thing to do, especially when unforeseen circumstances happen in life. “You have to surrender because at the end of the day, as much control as we think we have, we do not. It’s actually really powerful to surrender.”
She added, “We think that it’s a weakness but it’s so much power in letting go and flowing with the river. ‘Cause life is going to do what it’s going to do and we are all going to get chin-checked by life one way or another, so I might as well focus on my enlightenment and roll with the river and not fight with the rocks.”
As London’s advice began circulating online, many people pointed out how Hussle and his life’s message heavily influenced the actress’ words.
“You can tell Nipsey really touched her spiritually. I wish nothing but the best for Lauren.”
“She really became self aware and conscious being with Nip. I love it.”
“Nip lives through her, it shows”
“You can feel Nipsey flowing through her.”
“Truly loved this. Shes a real one, very wise and Nip definitely was speaking through her.”
Among the previous remarks, others applauded the actress for delivering what they claimed was a “healing” word. One wrote, “A HEALING MESSAGE!” Another said, “Yes, Lauren spoke volumes. FACTS!”
London and Hussle were together for nearly six years before his untimely passing in 2019. The pair, which also have children from previous relationships, share a son named Kross Asghedom.
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