Jordan Howlett, whose Instagram name is jordan_the_stallion8, took to the social media site to enlighten the world on what could be a Guinness World Record.

Jordan explained (while holding his black cat in his arms like a newborn baby) that he started a new job clocking in at noon, and by 12:30 p.m., he was introduced to the manager, who noticed cat hair on his outfit and asked if he had a cat.

Man holding his black pet cat. (Instagram: @jordan_the_stallion8)

If you really pay attention to the video, you’ll see how passionate Howlett is about his cat. While he is very mild-mannered, articulate and precise, it is clear that when it comes to Harvey, he does not play around!

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“At some point you’re gonna have to choose between the job and your cat because my allergies are way too bad to have cat hair around,” said the manager.

Inevitably, he was asked to choose between Harvey and the job. So he chose Harvey because they’re a packaged deal.

Many would be quick to point out that this guy’s former boss demonstrated a sign of discrimination. He literally made Howlett choose between his pet and his job, an option Howlett didn’t hesitate to make.

Would you quit a job for your pet or make adjustments to accommodate your boss? Do you think he made the right decision by quitting? Howlett seemed to be content with his decision, and so did Harvey. Sometimes the workspace can interfere with home life; where do you draw the line?

People rightfully have reasons for rapidly quitting jobs, such as home life, hours, money, lack of sleep, kids, job demands, the commute, stress and more.

What is the quickest time you’ve quit a job? Was it minutes, hours, or days? Did you regret quitting, double back and try to get your job back? Or did you level up and find a better fit for yourself?

Click here to read the full story.