Bill De Blasio’s Open Marriage To Chirlane McCray Spotlights Dating Others Without Divorcing
Source: Eugene Gologursky / Getty
People get married for many reasons: obligation, political influence, tradition, and, on some rare occasions, the simple aspect of love. However, for all those reasons and more than anyone should have to comprehend, 50% of couples who walk down the aisle soon after spend copious amounts of time (and money!) trying to end the union. Yeah, you know the dreaded word — divorce.
Of course, there is that little pitstop somewhere between “I do” and “I should’ve never in the first place” called separation, where both parties take a non-legally-binding break in order to grow closer together by living apart. You might imagine that many couples never make it back around to each other, but the ones who do often reunite and want to share their newfound single life with their actual partner. Thus, we enter the spectrum of an open marriage.
Former New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, brought the topic to the public recently with the announcement of their separation after 29 years of marriage. Both de Blasio and McCray have agreed to continue sharing their Brooklyn townhouse while dating other people, stating they are “still very much in love.”
The couple, he 62 and she 68, share a highly public lifestyle that can understandably be hard to break away from so easily. They chose to get ahead of the story and announce the separation together, doing a joint interview with The New York Times where McCray made it clear of her intentions specifically by stating, “I just want to have fun.”
Even at this moment of change, this is a love story
— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) July 5, 2023
More details on their arrangement below, via AP News:
“They arrived together at the realization that the spark had gone out of their relationship, they told the newspaper in a joint interview.
‘You can’t fake it,’ McCray said.
‘You can feel when things are off,’ de Blasio said, ‘and you don’t want to live that way.’
McCray said the pair spoke to the Times in an effort to head off gossip.
‘As very public people embarking on a new chapter, we thought it better to say all this openly before anyone tries to find negativity, or before any misunderstandings occur,’ she told the AP.
McCray said she and de Blasio ‘have only respect and admiration for each other, and the sense of wonder that we ever found each other to begin with.’”
Many have been quick to cite the glaring elephant in the room that points to McCray identifying as a lesbian when she and de Blasio first began dating back in the ’70s. She even penned an essay for the September 1979 issue of Essence Magazine titled “I Am A Lesbian.” De Blasio addressed this briefly by telling the Times, “For the guy who took the chance on a woman who was an out lesbian and wrote an article called ‘I Am a Lesbian,’ there was a part of me that would at times say, ‘Hmmm, is this like a time bomb ticking? Is this something that you’re going to regret later on?’ So I always lived with that stuff.’”
Even at this moment of change, this is a love story
— Bill de Blasio (@BilldeBlasio) July 5, 2023
“Even at this moment of change, this is a love story,” the former mayor of NYC confirmed when sharing the article on Twitter, and we believe it wholeheartedly given their decades of being locked in as a unit with two adult children to be proud of. We wish them the best.
Research shows that a not insignificant portion of people in North America are in open marriages.
Psychology Today reported in 2019:
The best evidence suggests around 4 percent of adults. That may not sound like many, but it means one couple in 25. If you know two dozen couples, chances are one participates in consensual non-monogamy (CNM), also known as “open” relationships. Put another way, 4 percent means some 2.8 million U.S. couples.
See what some are saying on social media in regard to the arrangement between de Blasio and McCray:
1. de blasio dyeing his hair after a little heartbreak… he’s just like me
de blasio dyeing his hair after a little heartbreak… he’s just like me
— Natasha Roy (@natasharoyy) July 5, 2023
via @natasharoyy
2. de Blasio doing the most New York thing you could possibly do: Entering a potentially messy, open relationship so you don’t have to give up the apartment
de Blasio doing the most New York thing you could possibly do:
Entering a potentially messy, open relationship so you don’t have to give up the apartment
— Leigh Giangreco (@LeighGiangreco) July 5, 2023
via @LeighGiangreco
3. Bill de Blasio announced he and his wife are poly in the New York Times and he’s still by far the most normal person to have been mayor of New York in 50 years
Bill de Blasio announced he and his wife are poly in the New York Times and he’s still by far the most normal person to have been mayor of New York in 50 years
— James (@buffalocialism) July 5, 2023
via @buffalocialism
4. Imagine what discussions of de Blasio and McCray’s marriage — and now separation — could look like if people acknowledged the existence of bisexuality
Imagine what discussions of de Blasio and McCray’s marriage — and now separation — could look like if people acknowledged the existence of bisexuality
— Lux “Ask Me About Self-Managed Abortion” Alptraum (@LuxAlptraum) July 5, 2023
via @LuxAlptraum
5. The de Blasio/McCray house
The de Blasio/McCray house
— Zach (@ZachGilyard) July 6, 2023
via @ZachGilyard
6. It’s a horrible time to be single. What if I end up in former mayor bill de blasio’s throuple
It’s a horrible time to be single. What if I end up in former mayor bill de blasio’s throuple
— cinnamon bun (@notsofiacoppola) July 5, 2023
via @notsofiacoppola
7. Deblasio is about to start going on first dates with people who rioted at the restaurants that were crippled during said riots.
Deblasio is about to start going on first dates with people who rioted at the restaurants that were crippled during said riots.
— Jason Curtis Anderson (@JCAndersonNYC) July 5, 2023
via @JCAndersonNYC
8. waiting to see how long it takes for bill de blasio to show up on nyc’s infamous are we dating the same guy fb group
waiting to see how long it takes for bill de blasio to show up on nyc’s infamous are we dating the same guy fb group
— Whitney Hu 胡安行 (@whitney_hu) July 5, 2023
via @whitney_hu
9. Make fun of Bill DeBlasio at your own risk. He’ll pull up with all 6’5” and steal your girl.
Make fun of Bill DeBlasio at your own risk.
He’ll pull up with all 6’5” and steal your girl.
— Jordan Walsh Unity Ticket (@NBABabySecret) July 5, 2023
via @NBABabySecret
10. You come back from the bathroom. Poly Bill DeBlasio is telling your girl about the importance of city funded pre-k. Wyd?
You come back from the bathroom. Poly Bill DeBlasio is telling your girl about the importance of city funded pre-k. Wyd?
— ALEX PTAK’S SATIRE KITCHEN (@PtakTestKitchen) July 5, 2023
via @PtakTestKitchen
The post Bill De Blasio’s Open Marriage To Chirlane McCray Spotlights Dating Others Without Divorcing appeared first on NewsOne.