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White fragility must be one powerful drug the way it gets racists so deep in their feelings that they get themselves arrested and charged with crimes they’re forced to pay the penalty for when minding their own Caucasian business is 100% free. If one is so bigoted and easily triggered that they find themselves sending racist threats to complete strangers of color who have not harmed them, maybe it’s time for one to consider that it’s they who are toxic, not the non-white members of society they hate nor the ones who advocate for them.

Anyway, meet 62-year-old Kenneth Pilon.

According to court records, Kenneth D. Pilon, 62, previously pleaded guilty to willfully intimidating and attempting to intimidate citizens from engaging in lawful speech and protests in support of Black Lives Matter.

— True Words Are Spoken (@TruWordsRSpoken) April 20, 2023

In 2020, after protests against systemic racism in policing erupted across America in the wake of George Floyd‘s murder, Pilon “pleaded guilty to two hate crime charges for intimidating and attempting to intimidate people protesting in support of Black Lives Matter,” NBC News reported. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Thomas Ludington sentenced the Saginaw, Michigan, man to 10 months in federal prison and one year of supervised release.

Here’s what Pilon was accused of, according to NBC:

Pilon was accused of calling nine Starbucks stores in Michigan and telling the employees answering his calls to relay racial threats to Starbucks employees wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts. Pilon also threatened to kill Black people, prosecutors said.

He allegedly left the messages two days after Starbucks announced in 2020 that it would provide 250,000 Black Lives Matter T-shirts to employees who wanted to wear them during their shifts amid protests condemning the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.

An affidavit alleges Pilon also went to stores in Saginaw, leaving nooses attached to a note that read: “An accessory to be worn with your ‘BLM’ t-shirt. Happy protesting!” The messages were found in Goodwill and Walmart parking lots and inside a 7-Eleven.

Michigander Kenneth Pilon, age 61, pleads Guilty to Hate Crimes –> He issued death threats targeting #BLM supporters.

— TheFoxChyron (@FoxChyron) December 15, 2022

Seriously, who gets this upset over something that would have zero effect on them if they simply ignored it? It’s not as if Pilon was being made by Starbucks to wear pro-BLM t-shits himself while being force-fed a Grande coffee drink called “I Heart BLM A-Latte.” But bigoted snowflakes like Pilon are so filled with hate that it’s not enough for them to refuse to take part in the fight against systemic racism, or ignore it altogether. Pilon can’t get a slushie from 7-11 without his eyes being polluted by displays of BLM solidarity that he needs to threaten folks with noosesyou know—to remind us that racism in America is a lie and people are wrong for protesting it.

In fact, Kenneth Pilon wasn’t just threatening employees at public establishments who wore BLM t-shits. Apparently, he was also leaving nooses for people who were wearing them while minding their own business on their own property.

More from NBC:

Pilon also left a noose and a note in a car owned by Regina Simon and her then-husband, Donald Simon, according to the affidavit.

Regina Simon said she thinks her family was targeted after Pilon drove by and saw her in her yard wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt her son made. They found the note and the noose the next day when her husband went to get coffee, she told NBC News in April 2022.

Welp, now, Kenneth Pilon gets to spend the better part of a year being a hateful racist behind bars while thinking about how he could have continued being a hateful racist in the comfort of his own home, all because he couldn’t keep his Klan-ish resentment of the BLM movement to himself.



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