Missouri Rep. Cori Bush is pictured in Washington, D.C., in 2021. | Source: Paul Morigi / Getty

Nothing gets Republicans in a white and fragile frenzy like Black people calling them out for using Black conservatives as “Black friend” accessories meant to make their party seem less racist. Republicans know that once they’ve spent significant time going to war against critical race theory despite not knowing what it is, railing against Black Lives Matter because white fragility matters more, suppressing Black voters under the guise of “election security,”  denying systemic racism despite all the statistical evidence that supports it, fighting to preserve the legacy of the Confederacy despite it existing mainly to preserve slavery, opposing reparations because Black people “do the crime,” voting against police reform because blue lives matter more than Black lives, and opposing affirmative action because “diversity hires” are “un-American”—they’d better scramble to find themselves some Black representatives to invite to their diet-Klan dinner parties. 

Anyway, right now those same Republicans are big mad at Rep. Cori Bush for calling GOP support for Black Florida congressman Byron Donalds what it most likely is—white conservatives using another Black conservative as a “prop.”

FWIW, @ByronDonalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy.

His name being in the mix is not progress—it’s pathetic.

— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) January 4, 2023

FWIW, @ByronDonalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker,” Bush tweeted Wednesday.” He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy. His name being in the mix is not progress—it’s pathetic.”

Cori Bush calls Rep. Byron Donalds a ‘prop’ who perpetuates ‘white supremacy’ despite being black https://t.co/B9fQHtr3qn via @americanwire_ >><> This woman’s statements are an embarrassment to civility and to just plain being a good person. Sickening. And not the first time.

— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) January 5, 2023

Cori bush,, called Byron Donalds..a prop,,because he’s black,,she is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside!..black liberal privilege let’s her get away with attacks on black conservatives!!

— @david cagle66!! (@DCagle66) January 5, 2023

REPORT: Rep Cori Bush accused House Speaker nominee Byron Donalds of “perpetuating white supremacy”

Bush should be immediately removed from Congress for blatant racism.

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 4, 2023

https://t.co/2xKiVFC525 once again the left shows their racist side

— glenn andrade (@glennandrade6) January 5, 2023

As we previously reported, on Wednesday, Donalds received 20 votes for Speaker of the House. It’s a small number, but it was enough to block current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from getting enough votes to support his bid to remain in his position. But seeing as the sudden support for Donalds came one day after Democrats nominated Rep. Hakeem Jeffries to be House Minority Speakerwhich would make him the first Black person to lead a party in Congressit really just looks like some Republicans just wanted to toss one of their own Black tokens into the political slot machine because suddenly “diversity hires” aren’t such a bad thing when they can be used for Black-on-Black political exploitation.

In other words: Where exactly is Bush’s lie?

Listen, Caucasian conservatives can keep filling their local reservoirs with white tears over Bush’s tweet all they want, but there’s a history of Republicans using Black conservatives as racism allegation shields or political commodities to exchange for Black voter support. (It never really works in either case, but they sure do keep trying it.)

U.S. Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) seeks to the media outside the United States Capitol on January 4, 2023, in Washington, D.C. | Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Former President Donald Trump made Ben Carson his Secretary of Housing and Urban Development despite the fact that Carson never worked in the fields of housing or urban development. It’s doubtful that Trump tapped Carson for the job because he was qualified (he wasn’t) and far more likely that Carson was Trump’s “look at my African American here” appointment.

Just a month ago, Herschel Walker was white conservative’s great sunken place hope, not because he was qualified to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate (he wasn’t), but because he might serve as their resident Black face and bring more Black people to the GOP (despite all the evidence to the contrary). Of course, now that Walker has lost his race to incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, the police werewolf unit commander (in his own mind) is scarcely even mentioned by his massive mob of massa’ MAGA supporters.


White conservatives don’t like Black people—not the vast majority of us anyway. They like Black people who fall in line with white nationalism. They like Black people who will back their false and racist Black-on-Black crime narrative. They want anti-BLM Blacks. They want anti-CRT Blacks. They want pro-cop Blacks. They want anti-reparations Blacks. They want anti-affirmative action Blacks. They want pro-Confederacy Blacks. They want “racism is a thing of the past” Blacks. They want “white lives matter” Blacks. They want Black “patriots” who stand for the national anthem and keep a dozen American flags in their front yard in the name of Black jingoism. 

They just basically want white-adjacent Blacks.

In other words: They want props. All Bush did was tell it like it is.


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The post Republicans Are Mad Cori Bush Called Byron Donalds A Black GOP ‘Prop,’ But Where Is The Lie? appeared first on NewsOne.