Twitter Drags Kyle Rittenhouse For Appearing To Compare Himself To Jesus Christ
Source: Jason Davis / Getty
Perhaps not since George Zimmerman has there ever been a bigger crybaby who got away with killing people than Kyle Rittenhouse.
It’s not enough for the teenage Kenosha shooter that he’s been embraced by the right-wing world of white nationalists who treat him like some kind of discount Jesse James folk hero—he still feels the need to be the whiniest of whiny little brats because everyone else hates him. Apparently, it surprises Rittenhouse that being the only person to kill people during civil unrest didn’t earn him much love from the general public.
Since Rittenhouse was acquitted of murder charges he has whined about President Joe Biden not responding to his requests for a meeting. He has boohooed all over LeBron James for making fun of the fake tears he cried during his trial. He has cried the saltiest of white tears over civil lawsuits filed against him while begging for money in a pitiful failure of a GoFundMe campaign. On Thanksgiving, Rittenhouse promoted a video game that featured him as an armed character shooting turkeys. Only the turkeys weren’t really turkeys, they were the “fake news media” who have ruthlessly persecuted the poor little tink-tink. (The only thing more embarrassing than the game itself, is the corny AF ’80s-style commercial he and the manufacturer filmed to promote the game.)
Kyle Rittenhouse is selling a video game for the holidays called, “Kyle Rittenhouse’s Turkey Shoot.”
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) November 24, 2022
And now, this fool thinks he’s Jesus.
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
John 15:18
All the harassment I receive makes me wonder if it would be easier to stay quiet about my values and beliefs. But then I remember that God sent His Son Jesus. who experienced the hatred of the world first.
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) November 28, 2022
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18,” Rittenhouse tweeted quoting a Bible verse. “All the harassment I receive makes me wonder if it would be easier to stay quiet about my values and beliefs. But then I remember that God sent His Son Jesus. who experienced the hatred of the world first.”
Admittedly, I’m no biblical scholar. So, maybe someone can help me out and point to the bible passages where Jesus Christ crossed state lines into Bethlehem with a deadly rifle and shot two people and injured a third during civil unrest over police brutality and then spent the next couple of years promoting himself based on the violent act.
This crybaby drove across state lines to commit murder with an assault rifle. I might be an atheist but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t how jesus rolled? Or if it is, dude christianity is a dumbass religion.
Get fucked @ThisIsKyleR
— is the red wave in the room right now? (@GMRegards2Davy) November 30, 2022
Obviously, the fine folks aren’t buying Kyle the Kenosha Khrist’s martyrdom complex and they are dragging him like Jesus got dragged to the cross Rittenhouse is desperately trying to hoist himself on.
Kyle Rittenhouse is now comparing himself to Jesus LFMAO
— Right Wing Cope (@RightWingCope) November 29, 2022
Matthew 16:23
Jesus turned and said to (Kyle), “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Satan also knew all the scriptures and verses of the Bible.
You are a clown. A murderous clown.
— Menina (@CarlG81401027) December 1, 2022
How many ppl did Jesus shoot?
— Logan (@logan25912) December 1, 2022
Kyle Rittenhouse comparing himself to Jesus is so MAGA that just being in the vicinity of this tweet gave me a weird fleeting idea that I should order a Confederate flag for my Dodge Ram, and I don’t own a Dodge Ram.
— Amy (@AmysGotBirds) December 1, 2022
Kyle Rittenhouse thinks he’s JESUS CHRIST whereas this veteran thinks he’s an INSURGENT. Slightly different takes.
— Davram (@davramdavram) November 29, 2022
It probably doesn’t help that Rittenhouse has extended this obnoxiously dull episode of Everybody Hates KKKrist by tweeting random bible verses for no discernable reason except to bolster his persecution complex.
— AvocadoDaVida (@avocadodavida) December 1, 2022
He’s a nice young man, aside from all the killing.
— Gen. JC Christian, manly alpha patriot (@JC_Christian) December 1, 2022
Also, Rittenhouse going out of his way to mention that his favorite movie to come out this year is “Top Gun” probably didn’t help his cause either.
What’s the best movie that came out this year?
My opinion: Top Gun
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) December 1, 2022
You don’t get to intentionally troll and egg on your detractors and then cry about how everyone hates you.
There’s a reason for the hate against Rittenhouse, and it has nothing to do with Jesus.
Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenhouse Incites Gun Violence Against ‘Fake News’ Media With New Video Game
Kenosha Killer Kyle Rittenhouse Becomes Pro-Gun YouTuber After His Online Fundraiser Flounders
The post Twitter Drags Kyle Rittenhouse For Appearing To Compare Himself To Jesus Christ appeared first on NewsOne.