Video: N-Word Spewing University Of Kentucky Karen Assaults Black Student Before Getting Arrested
Source: Raymond Boyd / Getty
In today’s episode of Bigot Beckies In The Wild, a student at the University of Kentucky has been arrested for verbally and physically attacking a Black woman and fellow student at the college.
According to WKYT, the student in question, Sophia Rosing, was arrested Sunday and booked at the Fayette County Detention Center.
From WKYT:
A video that shows Rosing attacking another student, Kylah Spring. She was on duty as a desk clerk in the dormitory at the time. Spring shared the video on social media explaining the situation and it has been gaining traction online.
“For those of y’all who don’t know me, my name is Kylah. Kylah Spring. I’m a student at the University of Kentucky,” said Spring.
She explained that she was working the front desk in Boyd Hall when Rosing entered the building, appearing to be intoxicated.
“I say, ‘are you okay?’ and she continues to look at me and she starts calling me a n*****,” said Spring. “She bit me along my arm. She punched me in my face.”
In the video, Rosing is heard repeatedly calling Spring racial slurs.
Update **
— yaboibunnie (@yaboibunnie2k10) November 7, 2022
A few things are made perfectly clear in this video. First, Rosing is racist. She’s so racist she’s going to have to be more creative when it’s time to apologize. She can’t go with the standard “this is not how I was raised, I don’t have a racist bone in my body” apology. Her own bones would laugh at her. Her bones have joined the Federation of Skkkeletons and are proud to usher in a new era of Limb Crow. Rosing is so racist her “I’m not racist” apology wouldn’t even seem plausible to other racists.
Oh sh**. Apparently, she went with the “blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alkkkahol” apology.
Alcohol is like money. It doesn’t change you. It makes you more of who you are. If you want to see somebody for who they are, get them wasted and just watch.
— Technically Joe (@Artdemon323) November 7, 2022
Secondly, she’s not very creative when it comes to her racial slurs. There’s got to be a Neo-Nazi Urban Dictionary or Thesaurus for The-racists she can consult so that she’s not just repeating “n*****r b*tch” over and over again. Clearly, Rosing hates diversity so much that she won’t even include it in her lexikkkon.
Lastly, this video shows that Rosing can’t fight for sh*t. I mean, she may have been charged for allegedly punching Spring, but what the video shows is Rosing flailing her arms about in an attempt to land easily-blocked punches.
Rosing is basically Monty Burns in this clip.
Anyway, Rosing’s charges include alcohol intoxication in a public place, disorderly conduct, 4th-degree assault, and 3rd-degree assault of a police officer. Her bond was set at $10,000, but that was probably paid off pretty easily since, as she claims, she’s “rich as f***.”
Sophia Rosing, everyone. so whenever her friends and family try to say her vile behavior last night isn’t who she really is as a person, we can come with this.
— lex (@lexxcici) November 6, 2022
Hopefully, Sophia Rosing’s charges will end in conviction and a racist, entitled KK-Karen in training will be held accountable.
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