Congressional Black Caucus PAC IE Will Spend $2M In Final Push To Turnout Black Voters
The Congressional Black Caucus PAC IE recently announced a two-million-dollar mobilization effort to engage “sporadic” Black voters in key districts in the midterm election. The announcement comes just over a week ahead of the Nov. 8 election day.
Announced Friday, Oct. 28, the voter outreach push comes during the final stretch of early voting in many states. The Congressional Black Caucus PAC IE noted that Black voters remain concerned about various issues.
Cornell Belcher, president of Brilliant Corners Research and Strategies, conducted the poll providing greater context on the motivations and concerns of Black voters.
“Currently, the broader media narrative is oversimplifying Black voters’ concerns and motivation to vote,” Belcher said. “For African American voters, it’s not just about economic concerns. They have deep anxiety about the rise of white supremacy and threats to their right to vote that candidates must also address in order to win their support.”
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Concerns about the rise in white supremacy and violence are not unfounded. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s husband was brutally attacked by an election-denying conspiracy theorist looking for her at their San Francisco home. The attack happened the same day the Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin warning of an increasing threat of violent domestic extremism with the 2022 midterm election.
The Congressional Black Caucus PAC IE is also running two digital ads focusing on the power Black voters hold. Created by 3C Partners, the ads “More to Do” and “Mirror” highlight the progress Democrats have made on important issues with the support of Black voters.
“Mirror is a visual reminder that Black Americans have stood up to racial terror in all its’ forms since the founding of this country. We wouldn’t have the right to vote today without it,” said Terrance Green, Managing Partner at 4C Partners. “The votes we cast by Nov. 8 could determine whether we still get to exercise it going forward.”
Many states still have early voting. And in some places, potential voters can register on election day. Same-day voter registration is available in 18 states and the District of Columbia.
In North Carolina, which has a hotly contested Senate, voters can register through the early voting period ending on Nov. 5. There are many reasons to get involved and cast a ballot.
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