Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King have been best friends for over 46 years. Over the Fourth of July weekend, the dynamic duo got together in Oprah’s old stomping grounds in Nashville, Tennessee, where her father lives. After shelling crowder peas with her family in a video shared on Instagram on Saturday, July 3, Oprah teamed up with Gayle the next morning to make breakfast.

“Making breakfast for the family with @gayleking,” the media mogul captioned the video on Sunday, July 4, with the hashtag #Nashvillestyle.”

Gayle King poses next to her best friend, Oprah Winfrey. (Photo: @oprah/Instagram.)

The comical clip shows both talk show hosts making bacon, sausage, eggs and grits in the kitchen. “This is the first time in the history of the world,” said Oprah before Gayle added, “In all the years.” Gayle continued, “I’m on bacon duty and sausage. I can actually do that….and I did eggs.”

They also went back and forth about how easy it was to make bacon. “Gayle goes, ‘I can do the bacon.’ I say, ‘You can do the bacon what is it. It’s putting it in a skillet.”

Gayle claimed Oprah also critiqued her for stirring the eggs too much, but they both agreed you can over-stir eggs. “Yes you can,” added Oprah. “Yes, you can.”

Fans were in tears after watching the beloved television personalities cooking it up in the kitchen. Among the hilarious responses, most fans pointed out that the repeated clicking noise, which means the stove was not fully turned on or the burner cap was out of alignment. Here’s what a few had to say.

“Omg the burner ticking was giving me anxiety lol”

“Okay but turn the stove all the way on.”

“The autopilot starter. Y’all gonna break that nice stove.”

“Why the gas still on? Y’all finna blow up the house.”

“Yea, super Aunty vibez…that stove just clicking and clicking.”

Many believe neither Gayle nor Oprah initially noticed the clicking sound because cooking by them, fans claim, doesn’t happen on a regular basis. One individual said, “Clearly, y’all don’t cook often. Why is the burner still clicking?! Lol.”

A second person wrote, “You can tell neither one is at that stove often due to the delayed reaction to the clicking of that burner. Lol!! But hey…If I’m Oprah, cooking would be way, way down my list of priorities too! Happy Sunday!”

A third social media said, “Love these two. Their friendship is everything.”

Others continued complimenting Oprah and Gayle’s friendship and their cooking styles, but a few seemed to pick sides about who was the better cook. “@oprah is making grits correctly. She understands the slow stir! #southern,” wrote one fan.

“Entertainment Tonight” host Nischelle Turner said, “You’re making breakfast cause we all know about @gayleking cooking skills!”

“I am living for all of this,” added actor Colman Domingo.

The official Instagram account for Oprah Daily, formerly known as Oprah Magazine, also left a comment that pointed back to a 2004 episode of “The Oprah WInfrey Show.”

It said, “This reminds us of the episode where y’all went back in time and you were making breakfast and @gayleking asked you to make her bacon extra crispy and you stared at her for 16 solid seconds.”

In the nearly 45-minute episode, Oprah and Gayle took a trip back in time — 400 years to be exact — to experience what it was like to live in Colonial times. The ladies ditched their phones, expensive clothes, makeup and toilets to live in a Colonial house in Maine.

“I left with such a sense of wonder and amazement at what are four bearers were able to accomplish with so little and how hard that was to not only exist but thrive and bring forth others, who would also thrive,” said Oprah during the show.

The episode where Oprah & Gayle lived colonial life…I don’t know better television. pic.twitter.com/GX75u7hjIa

— Danny Pellegrino (@DannyPellegrino) January 24, 2021