Source: Bill Clark / Getty

At this point, it’s baffling that anyone would believe a word that comes out of the mouth of Senate candidate and Sunken Place HOA president Herschel Walker.

Actually, it’s not that baffling. Walker is a GOP frontrunner because the GOP deals in misinformation, propaganda, and whitey placating and all Black conservatives have to do is parrot their way to a seat at the white nationalist table. Still, Walker is slowly but surely becoming the “fake it until you make it” King in these right-wing streets and his supporters just don’t seem to give a damn.

Anyway, it turns out the guy whose campaign lied about his educational credentials and business success has also promoted health products that really don’t be health-ing the way they’re supposed to. Shocking, I know.

According to a review by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Walker spent a couple decades being the house negro version of Dr. Sebi by promoting so-called health products that his own companies had to admit weren’t supported by medical science.

From AJC:

He looked to “revolutionize” the health market with products he said would prevent aging, help weight loss and even protect against the damages of smoking—despite little evidence, his company admitted in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

In many cases, the products were commercial failures, cost Walker and his business partners millions of dollars and put his companies into deep debt, for which creditors have repeatedly sued Walker and his associates to recover, as revealed by previous reporting by the AJC.

For example, Walker’s company, Renaissance Man, Inc., developed and sold an aloe-based drink called—I sh** you not—Aloe-Lu-Ya. Walker’s company promoted the drink claiming it contained “ActiVin,” which AJC described as “a grape seed extract that the company’s marketing claimed protected against damage caused by smoking cigarettes, among other benefits.” The company later admitted the product was a “commercial failure.”

But in 2002, when Renaissance Man, Inc. merged with American Consolidated Mining Co. and was renamed American Consolidated Management Group (ACMG), Walker’s company began developing Sunutra, which was generally a repackaging of Aloe-Lu-Ya.

More from AJC:

In its marketing, the company boasted of the “phytonutrients” within Sunutra, a plant extract which included three to five servings of fruits and vegetables per serving. These phytonutrients reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and more, the company said in government filings.

The company noted, though, in its legally-required disclosures to Wall Street investors, the medical community did not share this view.

“These beliefs are not supported by medical evidence generally accepted by the medical community,” the company said in an SEC filing.

This is the part where I remind you all that, in 2020, Walker claimed he knew of some magic mist one could spray in a doorway that would “clean you from COVID as you walk through.” Suffice it to say, Walker’s abraca-damn-bruh (you stupid) COVID-away mist is also “not supported by medical evidence generally accepted by the medical community.”

Why is anyone still listening to this man? Don’t answer that. We know why.


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