If breakfast is the meal of champions, Jada Pinkett Smith may not be winning — depending on who you ask. The glowing 49-year-old recently shared that nutrient-dense kale is her choice of fuel to kick-start her day.

“Alright, remember we were talking about what you put in your body is good for your skin, but also just good for the body. Food is medicine for the body. Boop!” says Smith in a video posted to IG. She then pans to show a plate of kale on the counter. “You see that? Just a bunch of kale. That’s breakfast, baby,” she continues.

Jada Pinkett Smith isn’t expecting too many guests for breakfast after sharing that she starts her day with a bunch of kale. (Photos: @jadapinkettsmith/Instagram)

The video caption reads, “I’m aware that most of you would decline my breakfast invite after watching this video😜.” But before declining the non-existent invitation her fans had questions.

“But what’s on it? Butter? Seasoning? 😩😂😂 liquid smoke? 😩

“Is it dressed with anything like lemon or olive oil?”

“Just like that…just raw Kale…..not dressing…no nothing 😒

Taste palates aside, there seemed no way for her fans to deny the outward benefits of her diet.

“Skin looking dewy 😍

“Glow flow 💯✨💯

Others comically completed the meal with a few additions.

😂😂😂😂 can we put that in a smoothie with some apples 🙌🏿

“Throw that in the pan with onions, garlic, peppers, and egg! Boop issa omelet 😂

This isn’t the first time the actress, and talk show host had people questioning her methods. During the 2020 shutdowns relating to the coronavirus pandemic, Smith shared that sliding across the floor was an easy and affordable means of working out.

Jada Pinkett Smith tried to show fans an easy way to get a good workout in, but all they could focus on was how much floor space she has. (Photo: @jadapinkettsmith/Instagram)

While her fans weren’t exactly onboard with her methods, they did take full notice of her toned physique.

“Your back muscles are to die for ❤❤❤