The film was written and directed by Vigil Chime and stars Ijeoma Grace Agu, Kenneth Okolie and more

Freestyle Digital Media has acquired The Touched One, a supernatural-horror drama set to debut on Video on Demand platforms this February.

Freestyle Digital Media is a digital film distribution division of Allen Media Group/Entertainment Studios, which also owns theGrio. The film is from the mind of writer and director Vigil Chime, and was produced by Chime and Happy Julian Uchendu.

The cast includes Ijeoma Grace Agu (Chinaza), Kenneth Okolie (Odinaka), Emeka Amakeze (Lead Kidnapper Tochi), Amaechi Muonagor (Chinaza’s Father), Prince Nnanna Ndukwe (Paul), and Clemson Cornel Agbogidi (Dibia Agbarakata).

(Credit: Freestyle Digital Media)

Per the official press release, the film follows “Chinaza, a woman anointed by a sacred ram to do good deeds, as she goes in search of a gang of men who did her wrong in order to correct them of their evil ways. One morning, Chinaza and two others board a local bus.”

Four men posing as passengers promptly abduct and take them deep into the woods for blood sacrifice. Chinaza is resigned to her fate when a mysterious ram appears and sets her free. Grateful to be alive, she pets it. Safe at home, she discovers that the hand with which she pet the ram corrects anyone she touches of their sinful ways.”

The synopsis continues: “She is thus convinced this is the reason she is the sole survivor of the tragedy. Thereafter, she determines to find the kidnappers to guide them onto a righteous path. The families of the two other victims who did not make it that day have other ideas to exact their own brand of street justice on the men.”

The Touched One (Official Poster)

Chimes shared a statement about the film along with the official press release, explaining, “I made The Touched One because I wanted to, primarily, make a story that mostly takes place outside. We are living in a very changed world now, with the whole world on lockdown.

I thought it a breath of fresh air to set the events in the expansive space of a deep forest. At the same time, I wanted to tell a story about forgiveness. That a grave wrong could be done to someone and have her recover to forgive the very people that had wronged her.”

Chimes added, “That is powerful.”   

The film will be available to rent and own on global digital HD internet and satellite platforms on Feb. 15.

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