Source: Scott Olson / Getty

One would think that, at this point, Trump supporters would be used to their rusty-white cult leader being the subject of scorn and criticism. Donald Trump is arguably the most hated commander-in-chief in recent history. People hated Trump so much Joe Biden is now our president.

But apparently, the MAGA morons who love them some orangey-white nationalism are still getting super salty whenever anyone publicly tells the truth about their Lord of the Goya Beans, because Ross Wilburn, the first Black chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, received such violent and threatening hate from Trump cultists after penning an op-ed piece blasting Iowa Republicans for their support of their commander-in-twice-impeached that he had to beef up security for himself and his staff.

According to the Des Moines Register, the drama all started when Wilburn authored an opinion piece titled “Iowa Republicans put loyalty to Trump over helping Iowans,” which was published on October 8, one day before Trump’s rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.

Wilburn said he received two threatening phone messages and one threatening email to his legislative email address, all from aggrieved Trump loyalists with their Klan-derwear all in a bunch. He said that while he’s no stranger to taking heat over his political opinions, it was the flagrant use of racial slurs and lynching threats that made the messages he received stand out.

“The voicemails include very explicit language. Every other word was the n-word,” Wilburn said, according to the Register.

“What stood out this time was the language that was used—specifically, the very direct statement about lynching,” he continued. “And I get angry about that—that people feel that they can come in and make you feel less than human, subhuman, with that type of reference to lynching. There’s the history behind that and trying to intimidate Blacks, intimidate African Americans.”

Wilburn has a point, obviously. Black people who work in media and publish pieces that are outspoken about racism tend to receive so much threatening and n-word-laced hate mail that we kind of get desensitized to it. We all know that when white supremacists don’t have an actual argument, which they never do, their last refuge for a clap-back is to sling around racial slurs like they sling around Confederate flags, burned up Colin Kaepernick jerseys and baggies of methamphetamine. But the fact that we’re used to it doesn’t mean we don’t know these people are dangerous.

After all, on Jan. 6, there was a whiny white people riot at the U.S. Capitol full of Trump-humpers who had probably sent their share of disgruntled whitey hate mail where the slurs are the only words spelled correctly.

Anyway, “Iowa Democratic Party spokesperson Erin Moynihan said staff members have been notified of the threats, and security adjustments are being made for Wilburn while he travels and for staff who work in the party’s Des Moines office,” the Register reported.

Wilburn said he reported the threats he received to the authorities and he will press charges if anyone responsible for the threats is identified “so that folks know that there are consequences for that type of behavior.”

“I’m concerned about this type of escalation of comments, including violent references, that are happening, even down to some of the school board meetings and elections that are coming up,” he said. “If anyone’s ever subject to these types of threatening actions, I encourage them to don’t just sit by and take it. Report it.”

Both Ames Police Cmdr. Jason Tuttle and Story County Attorney Tim Meals confirmed their departments are investigating the threats.


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