A 23-year-old British woman was jailed this week more than two years after she received probation for beating up another woman outside a pub in Yorkshire, leaving the victim on the pavement after she was kicked and stomped in the face.

Despite the vicious nature of the crime, Charlotte Unwin — who is blond and white — initially received no jail time after the judge in the case suspended the six-month sentence Unwin would have served following her felony conviction for pummeling 22-year-old Chelsea Rimmer in an unprovoked attack outside the Blackamoor pub in Selby, North Yorkshire in March 2022.

When arrested and shown video footage of the attack, Unwin reportedly showed no remorse.

Charlotte Unwin was sentenced to four months in jail on May 30, 2024. (Photo: North Yorkshire Police)

Her back against the wall, Unwin pleaded guilty to causing serious bodily harm to Rimmer, received a lenient sentence, and then apparently tried to skip out on most of her court-ordered community service, according to probation officials.

At the time of sentencing in 2022, Judge Simon Hickey warned Unwin that his leniency depended on her completing 15 days of counseling and 180 hours of community service.

However, the court heard that she had ceased cooperating with probation officials and had attended less than half of her scheduled appointments, sometimes making several excuses for why she couldn’t attend, including family and behavioral health issues, as well as a man who allegedly harassed her at one of the assigned work sites.

In the two years since getting her slap on the wrist, Unwin ceased cooperating with the probation service, missed more than half her appointments, and was summoned back before Judge Hickey at York Crown Court earlier this year, when she was given another chance.

Meanwhile, probation officials said Unwin was given five extra days rehabilitative activities for breaching the suspended sentence conditions at a hearing in September 2023, however, she was still allowed to remain free.

Finally, after several more violations were reported, the judge called Unwin back to court on May 30 and ordered her to serve four months in jail for continuing to defy the sentence.

“I view your excuses with some skepticism,” Hickey scolded the defendant, according to the Daily Mail. “In my judgment, it is not unjust to impose an immediate custodial sentence. People who stomp other people, particularly young women defenseless on the ground, usually go to prison.”

After being sent away, Unwin struck an uppity pose for her jail mugshot, smiling with her arms crossed.

The vicious attack began after the victim mistakenly picked up Unwin’s cellphone and tried to return it to her before Unwin waylaid the woman, leaving her with scrapes, bruises and severe anxiety.

A friend of the victim who witnessed the assault told the Mail that, “Unwin attacked her viciously as soon as she saw her, it was sickening and completely unprovoked, Chelsea was trying to give her back the phone she’d lost.”

With her victim rendered helpless on the ground, Unwin turned more brutal, the friend recalled.

“As soon as she went down, she kicked her in the face and stomped on her head, causing nasty marks and bruises.”

Afterward, Rimmer “didn’t want to go out anymore,” she said.

She also said the soft sentence Unwin initially received left Rimmer’s friends and family outraged.

“She’s hardly paid any of the compensation she was ordered by the court to pay Chelsea,” she said about Unwin. “She doesn’t seem to care and the smile on her mugshot says it all. The fact she’s finally gone to jail is some consolation at least.”

‘Go to Prison’: Judge Gets Sick of Excuses from Smiling Defendant Who Repeatedly Got a Slap on the Wrist for Kicking a Woman in the Face After She Tried to Return a Lost Cellphone