Amber Desiree “AD” Smith and Clayton “Clay” Gravesande have become arguably the most talked about couple to come out of “Love is Blind” season 6, a matchmaking show that debuted on Netflix on Valentine’s Day. Out of 30 singles who walked into the pods looking for love, five couples ended up engaged. However, from the get-go, fans were not entirely on board with “All Day” and “Oh Clay” — despite their crazy chemistry.

What had the potential to be a fairy tale romance morphed into something very different as the bright red flags began piling up. While some fans believe AD had turned a blind eye to concerns, the former NFL cheerleader put those rumors to rest in a recent interview with US Weekly, when she unequivocally flat-out said, “Clay was a walking red flag.”  

“I mean, from the moment I met him, it was red flag! Red flag! But initially, when he wanted to know about the physical and what I looked like, that was very telling and a huge red flag,” she told US in the interview.  

Now that AD and the former college track star have reportedly put the idea of marriage on hold — according to public records in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina — we’re taking a look at what is getting viewers into a tizzy over the couple. As for the burning question did Clay really cook a bottle of Gatorade in the microwave? We don’t have an answer on that one yet.

1. AD tells Clay she’s “freezing,” and he completely dismisses her — despite the fact he’s wearing a sweater.

It’s one of the most anticipated moments every season — when the couples meet each other’s families for the first time. AD and Clay meet with Clay’s mother for brunch. The 33-year-old expresses to her fiancé that she’s cold.

“It’s so cold, I’m freezing,” she said.

“Are you freezing? Ooh, yeah,” Clay, who is wearing a knitted sweater, responds.

Without giving it a second thought, Clay’s mother sweeps in to offer AD the shawl off her neck. It’s a gesture AD greatly appreciated as she quickly wrapped the shawl around her body.

@rickeybr Havent seen anyone post about this yet so wanted to share! Watch mamas shawl throughout this scene-another example of LIB editing footage for agendas? Especially with the reverese footage at one point. Curious how this conversation actually went- #shawlgate (excuse my baby screeching halfway through ) #loveisblind #loveisblindnetflix #loveisblindseason6 #clayandad #netflixseries #netflix ♬ original sound – Breeana

Not offering a jacket when your sweetie is cold doesn’t always spell doom. After all, one woman’s red flag may be another one’s non-issue. But we can all agree that a man letting his mom step in to keep his partner warm is at least red flag territory, as one astute fan pointed out:

“AD was cold and Clay momma gave her a scarf… the man literally had a sweater on!!! ARE YOU MAD??”

2. Clay displays his bad table manners

“Love Is Blind” sent all the newly engaged lovebirds to the Dominican Republic, where they were treated to luxurious accommodations at a five-star, adults-only resort in Punta Cana. The couples relaxed on the beach, indulged in romantic gourmet meals, and … slurped soup?

While not a deal-breaker, AD was visibly annoyed over Clay’s eating habits when he bypassed all utensils and went straight for the bowl, slurping loudly.

Now why is Clay eating soup like this?! AD’s reaction is sending me #LoveIsBlindS6 #LoveIsBlind6 #LoveIsBlind

— Steph R. (@stephdizzle11) February 21, 2024

The couple fell in love while ensconced in soundproof pods, never seeing each other once, according to the show’s rules. “AD did NOT get to hear how Clay slurped his soup in those pods,” joked one fan.

3. AD was not a fan of Clay pre-bussing the table.

While someone clearing a table – no matter how awkwardly — is not a red flag to many prospective partners, when taken in conjunction with slurping, we can understand the looks AD was shooting Clay.

One social media user couldn’t help but notice AD’s eyes getting wide: “I just know AD thinks Clay is off because her eyes tell it all.”

I just know AD thinks Clay is off because her eyes tell it all #LoveIsBlindS6 #LoveIsBlind6 #LoveIsBlind

— Steph R. (@stephdizzle11) February 21, 2024

Not all viewers were put off by Clay’s actions, however. Many felt it was a sign that Clay, who works in tech sales and owns a jet ski rental company, may have also worked in the service industry.

“OK, like, I know editing was making the moment seem so awkward, but when Clay started stacking the plates, I thought it was the biggest green flag. As someone who’s worked as a waitress for so many years, seeing that just made me feel like he is someone who would respect people in the service industry and treat them well. I don’t know why AD looked so weirded out, but idk it made me like Clay so much more,” shared a Reddit user.

Whether you find Clay pre-bussing his tables to be a red or green flag, AD appeared to dislike it, and for that reason, she should have considered whether Clay was someone she could spend her future with.

4. Clay seems too focused on physical attraction. Is love really blind?

Clay has gotten backlash over his unrealistic expectations on how his wife’s body should look, going so far as to tell AD she needed to keep her body fit after giving birth before even meeting her face-to-face. His hyper-focus on women’s looks has caused major controversy among the show’s fans.

“I just feel like my worst fear is, like, we fall in love, we have this beautiful connection, we do the reveal, and it’s like, ‘Oh wow, we never really talked about the physical,” he told AD during a conversation in the pods. “That is important to me.”

so love…isn’t so blind for Clay

Love is Blind is now streaming with new episodes dropping weekly!

— Strong Black Lead (@strongblacklead) February 14, 2024

During her first meeting with Clay out of the pods, AD caught a lot of flak for reverting to her old habits. Upon entering the experiment, the real estate agent voiced that she wanted to find a man who loved her mind and was not focused on her body. She also expressed that she tends to fall into her old habits with men. It took no time for AD to become Clay’s show pony, as she pranced for her new fiancé so that he could get a clear view of her backside.

“Bro, she was mad he asked about looks, then she was feeding into it,” said a fan on TikTok.

Viewers also called out Clay for not understanding how hard it is for some women to maintain a perfect figure. He upset many women when he told his wife-to-be that he would not let her get out of shape. Instead, if he noticed she was letting herself go, he would tell her to “get in that f—king gym.”

With so much emphasis on her physique and AD’s inability to let go of her own toxic traits, it’s evident that this relationship may not be good for her.

5. He’s just not that into you.

After the proposal, Clay’s preoccupation with, well, himself and his fixation on AD’s physical attributes continues to irk fans.

One commentator speaks for many when she posted on X, “Clay continues to talk about himself and what AD does for him and how she validates him and blah blah blah. He has yet to say anything non-physical about her loveliness as a person. And the sad part is, I don’t think she notices.”

I don’t think AD is feeling Clay.
It was the “Mmmmmmmm….” In response to his “I’m so happy.”#LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlindS6

— T’I Think Not (@whisperwind22) February 21, 2024

But a closer look reveals AD is definitely feeling the disconnect, as evidenced by her less than enthusiastic reaction when Clay boasted about “showing off” his new fiancée (perhaps she was still in shock from the slurping). It’s not just Clay; the other cast members’ objectifying remarks and preoccupation with AD’s body — and butt — are giving us the ick.

6. Clay needs to check his attitude.

Clay garnered a number of side-eyes when a conversation about his busy work schedule turned into him snapping at AD in front of his mother and sister.

As AD explained her concerns with her future husband working excessive hours to the point he doesn’t come home some nights, Clay expressed that him working is a non-negotiable.

“Work is not the problem. Work has never been the problem, ever,” confessed AD.


AD better than me. I dont care if his momma and sister are there! I woulda snapped back #loveisblind #loveisblindnetflix #loveisindseasin6 #adandclay

♬ original sound – That Thang Go Clip

“Then what’s the problem,” Clay said sternly, even taking his mother by surprise.

The busy entrepreneur noted that he was very frustrated by the conversation and felt his fiancée did not fully understand his obligations. Despite not raising his voice, many viewers were not feeling his attitude.

“Him having an hour drive in the morning is not reason enough to not come home at night. Especially when you just got married,” said one “Love Is Blind” fan on TikTok.

Clay also showed a bit of aggression when he took issue with AD’s connection with another show participant, Matthew. The red flags are fluorescent at this point.

7. Clay’s father cheated on his mother, so Clay believes infidelity is normal.

No one is perfect, you’ll probably have a few red flags with any guy, but when you start having five, six, seven, eight, it might be time to take stock of where the relationship is going.

After bonding in the Dominican Republic and returning to their new shared space, it was brave of Clay to open up about the years of infidelity in his parent’s marriage, and it was admirable of AD to show him support. That said, growing up thinking of infidelity as “a regular thing” could be hard to overcome even if the couple goes through therapy together, as Clay suggested.

According to him, his father cheated on his mother within seven years of them getting married.

“Infidelity was a thing, and my dad would take me with him to some of his infidelity trips,” Clay revealed. “I didn’t tell my mom. To this day, she doesn’t know some of the trips I went on. I’m always having the fear of, like, can I just be with one person?”

Clay expressed that his father objectified women, going as far as to warn AD that he may try to hit on her.

I honestly feel like AD makes Clay a better person.

Listen to him speak here She has made me realize so much of Himself and reflect.

Actually so beautiful to WATCH#LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlind6 #bbmzansi #bbcqt

— Kgotso Hope Lekau (@kgotsohopelekau) February 23, 2024

“Definitely understand Clay a bit more after this. Insight into his childhood was real, and the questionable ‘role models’ he looked up to. Hope he wins the battle over them demons and don’t let AD down,” wrote one fan on X.

While his vulnerability elicited sympathy from some, other fans issued warnings to AD.  

“AD, please run. But not only does he need to heal and grow up, Clay is for the streets. He is literally telling you he IS about to let you down, and you are gonna have to be ok with that!” urged another fan.

8. Clay has toxic views on Black love.

It’s hard not to notice that Clay’s perspective on Black relationships is not the healthiest due to the lack of role models in his youth, as he seems to think cheating is a natural thing.

“I’ve never seen a Black relationship where the man is faithful. And I’m not even blaming my dad. I’m talking about Black men that have been in my life,” he told AD, adding, “Even, like, celebrities, like the Will Smiths… the Diddys and stuff like that. Those are Black men that I like to look at, and it’s like you always hear they have other women.”

Without fail, AD continues to ignore all of the red flags Clay is throwing at her. He essentially tells her that he believes he will cheat on her someday and she accepts it.

9. Mother knows best, and she’s not particularly fond of Clay.

When your mom dispenses hard truths and somber advice after meeting your beau, it’s a giant red flag.

Clay may have left a sour taste in AD’s mother’s mouth when he arrived late to their initial meetup, but AD complaining about his insane schedule and appearing to lose herself in a man she barely knows was a major concern.

While AD’s mom predicted the relationship could work, she had some real talk for her daughter: “Give it your all. If, for some strange reason, he doesn’t think that your all is enough for him, then that’s not your guy.”

She also had a few words for Clay, urging him not to use his parents’ relationship problems as an excuse.

“Some of the stuff that we go through as your mother and father, that’s our stuff. Just saying, ‘I’m going mess this up. I’m going to do something.’ That’s self-sabotage because you have to form and figure out your own stuff for yourself,” AD told him.

In a conversation with her daughter, her mother continued, “The sad part is what he’s worried about is not even his. Like you can’t take on your parents’ stuff. You can’t take on our failures.”

Fans of the show are here for her mom’s no-nonsense advice. “I’m glad AD’s mom is clocking this tea with Clay. He came in with rehearsed lines, but she’s seeing right through the bs. Stop trying to self-sabotage and be a man,” posted another X user.

Another fan chimed in with similar sentiments, saying, “She clocked that crutch that Clay is using talking about how his parents’ relationship is affecting his thoughts on marriage. You have to form these thoughts for yourself. It’s self-sabotage”

10. He focuses on being iconic.

There are many reasons to celebrate new love and the prospect of a long life together, but toasting to being “iconic” may signal shallow priorities. When Clay boasts, “We’re gonna be a great couple. Iconic,” fans were quick to call him out.

Ohh AD and Clay… this is not gonna age well #loveisblind #LoveIsBlindS6

— Tvshittalking (@tvshittalking) February 22, 2024

Ten Red Flags ‘Love Is Blind’ Star AD Completely Ignored from Clay — Are They Still Together?