‘Soul Food’ Actor Michael Beach Stirs the Pot After Asking Fans to Choose Between Cousin Faith and His Wife Teri
Actor Michael Beach had fans giving him the side eye recently after he revealed that he, his ex-wife and his current wife all live under the same roof.
Now he has Instagram users calling foul play after he asked fans to choose between his wife and her cousin from the film “Soul Food.” Actress Vanessa Williams played his wife, Teri, and Gina Ravera played her wayward cousin, Faith.
The movie highlights the tradition of family gatherings and Sunday dinners as many prepare for Thanksgiving Day. Teri took Faith into the home she shared with her husband in the 1997 hit classic so that she could rebuild her life as a dancer. Faith repaid her cousin’s kindness by having sex with Faith’s husband, Miles, played by Beach, while she wasn’t home.
When Teri returned home, she saw the two having sex, but she didn’t confront them because she was with her and Miles’ nephew, whom she shielded from the adulterous rendezvous.
Beach recently shared a post on Nov. 16 asking fans which woman they’d choose and if his character was wrong for his role in the movie.
The post was captioned, “Cousin Faith VS Terry … Who you got and why? Was Miles right or wrong?… “
Teri eventually confronted her husband in the film during a family discussion where she exploded, grabbed a kitchen knife and went after Miles and Faith.
After the post was shared by The Shade Room, fans were quick to respond and condemned Beach for even asking the question.
“He know he was wrong lol, didn’t even spell his wife’s name correctly! #JusticeForTeri,” replied one fan, referring to his caption that had her name spelled with a “y.”
“Are we really asking ourselves this question? Terry was done wrong on multiple levels,” noted another. “Other sister took her man, they drained her financially and then the family f?!&$@ her husband. Where is the care for Terry?! She deserved that kitchen blowup. Swing Terry, swing!!!”
Many stated the unwritten rule that he could have had “Any girl but the cousin.”
Beach had fans talking last August after he boasted about living with his ex-wife, Tracey, their four children, and his current wife, Elisha all together in the same home. Michael and Tracey were married from 1989 to 2006
The “ER” actor discussed his living arrangement while appearing on OWN’s “Black Love” series in 2020, which immediately prompted comparisons to his character in “Soul Food.”
Beach also played a cheating husband to Angela Bassett’s character Bernadine Harris in the 1995 film “Waiting To Exhale.” He most recently starred in the BET+ drama “Kingdom Business.”