My best friend’s boyfriend is a serial cheater. He has been cheating on her since the start of their relationship, and she chooses to turn a blind eye to it all. He is her first love and as such, she is making poor decisions by listening to just her heart. I have had to stand by and be a witness to this nonsense for almost years now, and it’s beginning to take its toll on me.

When she finds out about the cheating, she generally blocks him and avoids him for a few weeks. Slowly but surely, he always manages to weasel his way back into her life. The last time I caught him out with a woman and told her, she didn’t talk to me for close to a month and ended up taking him back and being upset with me! Hence, the conundrum I’m experiencing at the current moment.

Friends hanging out in nightclub (Stock Photo/Getty Images)

I saw him out at dinner, being very affectionate with another woman. He doesn’t know I saw him, but I was able to take a picture this time — catching him in the act.

They are coming up on their three-year anniversary, and she is surprising him with an all-expense paid trip to Saint Croix that she spent her hard-earned money on. It pains me to sit back and watch them go away on her dime when he was just booed up with another woman a week ago. Believe it or not, I feel like my own personal mental health and wellness are starting to be affected by her relationship woes. I can only take so much, and I’m reaching a boiling point where I don’t know if I can continue with the friendship.

We’ve been friends since elementary school, and I don’t want to give up on her, but I’m losing respect for my bestie, and it doesn’t feel good. I’m considering showing her the picture in the hope that she can get most or all of her money back for the trip. But realistically, she’s not going to do anything about it and will probably end up angry as they fly away to their island escape.

Should I even bother telling her about what I saw, or is it time to take my good advice — and walk away from this 20-year friendship?

Read the original story here.

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